Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor


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Peakedness: y=V/M<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

characteristic, as it compares with the<br />

value 1 of a Poisson stream. One might<br />

expect y to be monotonously increasing<br />

from the first server on. However, this is<br />

not so. There is always an initial increase<br />

from 1 up to a maximum, after which it<br />

decreases towards 1 again. This explains<br />

the apparent paradox that the sum of a<br />

large number of very small overflow<br />

streams may tend to a Poisson stream. A<br />

set of peakedness curves is shown in Figure<br />

27. The curves indicate a maximum a<br />

bit beyond n = A.<br />

The above statement about small overflow<br />

streams does not mean that the<br />

peakedness of overflows normally approach<br />

the 1-limit. As an example take the<br />

A = 20 Erlang curve of Figure 27.<br />

Assume a mean holding time of 120 seconds,<br />

which means that the fresh call<br />

interval is on average 6 seconds. We get<br />

the following set of figures, where the<br />

interval τ is average time between overflow<br />

calls. Note that even with extreme<br />

intervals, there is a fair chance that the<br />

next call after an overflow call will also<br />

overflow.<br />

A=5<br />

A=10<br />

A=20<br />

0<br />

1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 1000<br />

Number of servers n<br />

Figure 27 The peakedness y of overflow as a function of the number n of servers for some values of input traffic A<br />

A=50<br />

A=100<br />

n (no. τ y<br />

of (inter- (peakedservers)<br />

val) ness)<br />

0 6 secs 1.0<br />

1 6.3 secs 1.04<br />

10 11 secs 1.61<br />

20 38 secs 2.61<br />

30 12 mins 2.62<br />

40 60 hours 1.75<br />

50 15 years 1.65<br />

60 4000 years 1.49<br />

14.5.1 The ERT (Equivalent<br />

Random Traffic) method<br />

If we return to the grading example of<br />

Figure 25, we can assume independent<br />

input traffics A1 , A2 , A3 and A4 to the<br />

g = 4 primary groups of n1 , n2 , n3 and n4 circuits. For each group we can determine<br />

mean Mi and variance Vi of the<br />

overflow by means of Erlang’s and Riordan’s<br />

formulas. The traffic to the common<br />

overflow group of k circuits will<br />

according to general statistics be equal to<br />

the sum of the means, with a variance<br />

(given independence) equal to the sum of<br />

the variances:<br />

g<br />

M = ∑ Mi ;<br />

i=1<br />

g<br />

V = ∑Vi<br />

i=1<br />

(63)<br />

(64)<br />

Erlang’s formula cannot be used to calculate<br />

the loss (overflow) from the overflow<br />

group directly, since the input has a<br />

peakedness y > 1. In statistical terms a<br />

Poisson traffic is completely determined<br />

by the two parameters λ and µ. In fact,<br />

its distribution is uniquely described by<br />

the ratio A = λ/µ, the first moment,<br />

whereby all higher moments are given.<br />

Likewise, a single overflow stream is<br />

completely determined by the two<br />

moments mean and variance. All higher<br />

moments will then be given. Alternatively,<br />

two independent parameters may be<br />

given, the obvious choice being the input<br />

Poisson traffic A and the size n of the primary<br />

group.<br />

It may be noted that even if the substreams<br />

in the grading group are renewal<br />

and independent, the combined overflow<br />

input is not renewal. Thus, this combined<br />


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