Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor

Contents Telektronikk - Telenor


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≈ first first year year<br />

26 fortnights<br />

second year<br />

0<br />

0<br />

10<br />

sity, the measurement period as a preselected<br />

time for measurements, and the<br />

dimensioning hour intensity, created by<br />

certain rules and prognoses from the<br />

measured or estimated intensities.<br />

In the choice of intensity measurement<br />

routine, the knowledge of traffic profile<br />

stability is important: if they are stable,<br />

the short pre-selected measurement periods<br />

save data handling capacities; if they<br />

are unstable, continuous measurement<br />

with data post-selection is needed.<br />

In Helsinki Telephone Company (HTC),<br />

from the end of the 1970s to the year<br />

1993, some intensity measurements have<br />

been carried out in order to resolve the<br />

validity of the common assumptions<br />

about stable intensity peaks, and ideality<br />

y%<br />

20 30 50 50<br />

Fortnights<br />

Figure 1 Illustration of two years of peak-hours’ fortnight average<br />

intensities Y in one circuit-group, with its timing error dt and<br />

intensity error y %<br />

dt<br />

of traffic during the<br />

peak-hour. Since the<br />

measuring resources<br />

were convenient, it<br />

was possible to perform<br />

the measurements<br />

on a mass<br />

scale, not only taking<br />

a few samples. Thus,<br />

the results are widely<br />

representative, at<br />

70<br />

least in the Helsinki circumstances. The<br />

measurements used the methods and routines<br />

which were in daily use in Helsinki;<br />

just the data processing afterwards was<br />

modified in order to simulate different<br />

measurement routines under study.<br />

%<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

Several presentations in international<br />

fora are summarised in the following,<br />

Trunk groups number 2728 trunk groups<br />

-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25<br />

Figure 3 Distribution of timing errors dt [5]<br />

0<br />

-20 -10 0 10 20 ∆t<br />

Figure 2 Timing errors dt and intensity errors y % of<br />

2728 circuit-groups [5]. The 305 error-free cases are<br />

not indicated<br />

and their most relevant results are<br />

referred to.<br />

As references are used the Elementary<br />

Conceptions, being formulated to support<br />

the traditional understanding and thus the<br />

high stability of profiles.<br />

3 The high season and<br />

its stability<br />

The Elementary Conception (ElCo)<br />

about seasons is that there is in the year<br />

a season with higher traffic than other<br />

seasons, and it is stable from one year to<br />

another. If the ElCo about seasons is<br />

valid, the intensity measurements can be<br />

concentrated to these seasons only, when<br />

a high load has been discovered in earlier<br />

measurements.<br />

The study object in the Helsinki local<br />

network was the 2728 circuit-groups connected<br />

to the measuring system<br />

AUTRAX. It measured each circuitgroup<br />

continuously, all year round, in ten<br />

consecutive working day rounds, i.e. in<br />

fortnight periods, each being registered<br />

as an average of the days’ peak-hours.<br />

The measurement during two years, 1980<br />

to 1981, thus included 52 fortnightly<br />

intensities. On an average a circuit-group

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