SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Testing Center ProfileTraining Schedules3.4.10Educational Programs: All responsibility for curriculumThe institution places primary responsibility for the content, quality, and effectiveness of the curriculumwith its faculty.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrative<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) places primary responsibility for the content, quality, andeffectiveness of the curriculum with its faculty as described in District Board of Trustees (DBOT)Policy 2.20 and SFCC Administrative Procedure 2201.Faculty initiate changes, revisions, or new curriculum plans using the curriculum proposal process, asdescribed in SFCC Administrative Procedure 3021 and illustrated in the Course ProposalFlowchart and Program Proposal Flowchart. Changes are submitted for approval using theappropriate form: New Course Proposal form, New Program Proposal form, Revise/DeleteProgram Proposal form, and the Revise/Delete/Reinstate/Replace Course Proposal form.Faculty also review laboratory fees and associated course annually. Changes are made using the FeeApproval form.SFCC maintains a standing Curriculum Committee whose membership is principally teaching faculty,counselors, and librarians. A student member is also appointed to serve in addition to the Tutoring andLearning Center Coordinator, the Curriculum Support Coordinator, and the Registrar. Several ex officioadministrators complete the committee. The primary function of the committee is approval of allproposed, revised and deleted courses and programs. The committee also serves as an advisory group tothe Learning Resources Center, evaluates resources available for curriculum support, and recommendsquality improvement activities related to curriculum and learning resources. The Committee Handbook2010-2011 states that the Curriculum Committee, “…provides a mechanism for development andreview of College curriculum and educational resources. It is responsible for review and recommendationrelated to curriculum, proposals for new programs and curriculum resources available in the LearningResources Center.” All curriculum recommendations from this committee are approved by the DistrictBoard of Trustees (February 2010;March 2010).Programs of study are managed by a department chair or program manager/director. Department chairsand some program directors are members of the faculty. Each department chair or program manager isresponsible for communicating with discipline faculty about curriculum and assessment planning,development, and revision. Department chairs and program managers are also responsible for deletingcourses which have not been taught for five years as outlined in SFCC Administrative Procedure2092. Position descriptions for department chairs and program managers include the followingresponsibilities:• Assists with departmental curriculum development and revision.• Develops and monitors unit action planning and outcomes assessment, and assists in collegeinstitutional effectiveness efforts.• Analyzes data within department; examines program review results.Development of eLearning courses must first complete a detailed 22 step review process, as outlined inthe eLearning Handbook, prior to submitting proposals through the Curriculum Committee's approval<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 102 / 202process. The process for electronically delivered courses was developed by the eLearning Committeewhose membership reflects a broad representation of faculty. The eLearning Committee has adopted aQuality Matters Rubric for use in the peer review process designed to guarantee the quality of online

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