SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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that can be used as portables in various locations. All of our systems are TCP/IP (Internet) based.Students often require technical assistance after normal college service hours. The eLearning Departmenthas developed several multimedia and pdf tutorials describing “how to” use the major components of theLearning Management System. These tutorials are found on the college’s Web site. SFCC's library alsostrives to provide after hours technical assistance through online tutorials for students to learn Libraryinformation literacy. Students may also access a librarian for assistance by visiting the SFCC Web siteand choosing the link for ask a librarian.An overview of all the college’s technology resources is presented to students in the college’s orientation.Students may complete this orientation in a large group setting, individually, or online. More informationmay be found regarding orientation by visiting the college’s orientation Web site.Assessment of Technology Mediated LearningSFCC faculty and academic administrators are actively engaged in determining the technological needsand objectives of the institution's academic programs. Faculty and academic administrators are assistedin determining and evaluating academic technology needs by professional staff from the eLearningdepartment and Information Technology department. Faculty and academic deans develop annualtechnology requests and priorities. The college uses the Technology Master Plan and annual strategicplanning processes to request and fund new and enhanced technology. For example, the recent real-timeintegration of the college's Desire2Learn learning management system, the Luminis portal and ourstudent information sSystem (Banner), for the population of courses and students, has provided studentavailability to all of their courses as well as much needed student resources. Through the college'sstrategic planning and budgeting process, funds were identified for expanding our technology resourcesand bringing together our technology resources into a Unified Digital Campus model.Two of the college's general education student learning outcomes reflect information literacy and fluency.“Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate (read, write, speak, and listen) effectively”and “Students will demonstrate the ability to find, evaluate, organize, and use information.”To ensure that students can demonstrate competencies associated with information literacy andtechnological fluency, all students enrolled in an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree, Associate in Science(A.S.) degree, and most Associate in Applied Sciences (A.A.S.) degree programs are required to enroll inCGS 1100, Microcomputer Applications. This course focuses on hands-on computer competencies in wordprocessing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. A 9-hour online module to this courseaddresses information literacy competencies such as the use of electronic databases, search engines, andresearch methods. Since CGS 1100, Microcomputer Applications, is a general education corerequirement, specific college-level competencies are assessed for all students who enroll in this course.For the years 2007-2010, 94% of the students who began in that course remained through the end of theterm. Also for the years 2007-2010, the average GPA eared in that course by students was 2.982 and thelearning effectiveness (earned a grade of C or higher in the course) percentage was 85.9%, showing ahigh retention and student success rate in that course.Many of the college's specialized academic programs have discipline-specific technological needs. Forexample, the college's A.A.S. degree in Dental Hygiene and occupational certificate in Dental Assistingprograms incorporate computers for viewing digital x-rays and feature smart podiums in all teachingclassrooms. In addition, computers are used in the clinic by students to perform a paperless patientassessment and record collection, patient scheduling, as well as some client accounting though aprogram called Dentrix. The college’s Dental Education department also features a patient education toolcalled “Guru” that students may use to educate patients in the clinic or waiting room. This allows thestudent to show on the patient computer what kind of food patients should eat, if they are prone to decayor cavities, as well as a variety of other topics such as what is a crown, or what is an abscess. Someresources are videos and some incorporate still images with information. The college’s students see thevalue <strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> of this Community tool and College have recently created some educational tools themselves in classes and Page now 111 are / 202using those to educate patients in the clinic. In addition, SFCC's Dental Education department uses toolssuch as: digital radiography, panoramic radiography, and standard radiography tools which are used by

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