SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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SFCC College Catalog 2010-2011, pp. 87-88Student Services | SFCC College Catalog 2010-20114.3Publication of policiesThe institution makes available to students and the public current academic calendars, grading policies,and refund policies.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrative<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) makes available to students and the general public theacademic calendar and related student policies. The academic calendar is available on the College Website, in the SFCC College Catalog, Schedule of Classes, and Student Handbook. These documentsalso contain the majority of academic policies and are also available on the college Web site. Onlinepublications include policies on academic ethics, records maintenance and privacy, acceptable use oftechnology, communication devices, drug free college, infectious diseases, collection and use of socialsecurity numbers, and safety information. During the year, online publications are updated in responseto major changes. The online Schedule of Classes is updated daily to reflect changes that have occurredin the past 24 hours. Additionally, the SFCC Student Handbook is available in a print format once eachyear.Once the student enrolls, additional information is available through Panther Central (the online collegeportal) and Panther Den (the college course management system). General grading policies areavailable in the SFCC College Catalog and are applicable to all courses. Additionally, facultymembers publish an individual course syllabus that defines assignments and course grading criteria.The online version of the course syllabi and instructor's requirements can be found in the coursemanagement system (Panther Den) or will be provided to the student in a paper format during the firstweek of class. General guidelines for information to be included in course syllabi are available in theFaculty Handbook and the Adjunct Faculty Handbook.Refund policies are governed by <strong>State</strong> Board of Education (SBE) Rule 6A-14.0541, SFCC DistrictBoard of Trustee (DBOT) Policy 4.13, SFCC Administrative Procedure 4130, and <strong>Florida</strong>Statutes (FS) 1009.22 and 1009.23. The refund policies and fees are announced in the online SFCCCollege Catalog, Student Handbook, and Schedule of Classes.SourcesAcademic | Faculty HandbookAcademic | Faculty Handbook (Adjunct)Academic Policy InventoryAdjunct Faculty Handbook, pp. 25-27Course SyllibiDBOT Policy 4.13, RefundsFaculty Handbook, pp. 47-48FS 1009.22, Workforce Education Postsecondary Student FeesFS 1009.23, Community College Student FeesSBE Rule 6A-14.0541, Student Fee RefundsSchedule of Classes Fall 2010, p. 7Schedule of Classes Fall 2010, pp. 16-18<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> SFCC Community Administrative College Procedure 4130, SFCC Refund ProcedurePage 193 / 202SFCC College Catalog 2010-2011, p. 12SFCC College Catalog 2010-2011, p. 53

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