SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Throughout the year, administrative units which include administrative support, student support, andcommunity or public service are engaged in Administrative Program Assessment (APA). Units definetheir unit mission, outcomes, performance measures, and standards. The APA is evaluated annually anddata analysis, findings, and improvement efforts are reported using a standard computerizedtemplate. All APAs receive a second review by the Administrative Assessment Review Committee. TheAPA process and improvements resulting from assessment are discussed further in,, and3.3.1.5.Educational units annually assess programs using a comparable template and process as APA. A fewprograms may also be involved in regularly scheduled, discipline-specific, accreditation processes.Educational programs define their programmatic mission, outcomes, performance measures, andstandards. Programs annually evaluate their data, report findings and quality improvement efforts using acomputerized, standard template. EPAs receive a second review from the Academic Quality Committee(AQC). The Educational Program Assessment (EPA) process and improvements resulting from assessmentare discussed further in Planning: Strategic PlanningUnder the direction of the Strategic Planning Taskforce, the development of the 2009-2014 StrategicPlan incorporated one year of broad-based input and data collection from all three counties in theservice district. The taskforce surveyed over 400 students, staff, and community stakeholders regardingthe effectiveness of the college in meeting community needs and projecting future needs for strategicplanning purposes. Internal and external stakeholders actively engaged in providing input. The taskforceanalyzed and organized the information and presented its findings to the PC for further action. The 2009-2014 Strategic Plan was approved by the DBOT and adopted for implementation. Each component ofthe Strategic Plan fully supports the College mission. Each college unit identifies and incorporatesefforts to support the Strategic Plan and mission into its individual EPA or APA. In July of each year, theStrategic Planning Review Committee provides an annual review and recommendation(s) to the PC. TheDBOT reviews the Strategic Plan accomplishments and priorities during its December meeting.The Strategic Plan and annual review cycle provide a framework for not only college initiatives, but alsofor resource allocation. SFCC has a history of sustained strength in budget planning. A regularlyscheduled budget preparation process occurs from late fall through early spring. Each unit is involved inrequesting funding for basic operations as well as new projects, staffing, and capital outlay funding. Thebudgeting process coincides with the development of the Unit Action Plan (UAP) for the next academicyear. The allocation of limited resources are then prioritized using direction provided by the StrategicPlan and individual unit requests.Examples of continuing improvement in institutional quality resulting from strategic planning include:1. Completed a SWOTT analysis of dual enrollment program and made changes based uponfindings.2. Renovated the auditorium and music wing.3. Added Smart classrooms and computer labs at each campus/center.4. Established a new Student Retention Plan.5. Implemented Luminis single sign-on portal for the college.6. Standardized and computerized documentation of general education outcomes assessments andfindings.Area and Unit PlanningA number of planning processes take place in areas containing multiple units. Examples include theAcademic Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, and Facilities Master Plan. These plans arespecific to the functional area (i.e., Educational Services, Instructional Technology, and AdministrativeServices). The master plans provide direction for the functional area and are evaluated annually.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 12 / 202Each college unit develops an annual Unit Action Plan (UAP). The UAP identifies annual goals,

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