SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) publishes a Student Handbook in a planner format that offers aclear and appropriate statement of student rights and responsibilities. This handbook is publishedannually, is made available at all college sites, and is provided to students upon their first enrollmenteach academic year. The handbook is available during new student orientation and upon requestreplacements can be obtained from Student Services. Students are encouraged to access the StudentHandbook online through the college Web site.The statement of rights and responsibilities explains to students that they are subject to the jurisdictionof the college during their enrollment, that they are responsible for the observance of all SFCC DistrictBoard of Trustees (DBOT) policies and procedures, and that violations of these rules may lead todisciplinary action. The disciplinary action and sanctions are detailed in the Code of Conduct, alsocontained within Student Handbook.SFCC recognizes the necessity of establishing guidelines to insure the protection of rights for theindividual and the college. The Distirct Board of Trustees (DBOT) Policies and SFCC AdministrativeProcedures that support this standard are:PolicyNumberDBOT Policy Name1.09 Grievance Procedures1.10 Equal Opportunity3.33 Control and Discipline of Students3.34 Solicitations by Students3.35 Students Borrowing Equipment3.36 Prohibition of Hazing3.37 Religious Observances- Students6.01 Electronics Access UseProcedureNumber SFCC Administrative Procedure1100 Equal Opportunity1101 Substitution Courses for Students with Disabilities1102 Student Grievance Procedure1103 Sexual Harrassment of Students and/or Admission Applicants3104 Academic Appeals3330 Student Process for Recommending Institutional Changes3331 Student Discipine3340 Solicitation on College-Owned or Operated Facilities by Students3360 Prohibition of Hazing3370 Religious Observance- Students6011 Student Access to Technology ResourcesThe SFCC Employee Handbook also references students' rights that employees must uphold: ADArequirements; equal access and equal opportunity; freedom from any form of harassment;and confidentiality.SourcesDBOT PoliciesDBOT Policy 1.09, Grievance ProceduresDBOT Policy 1.10, Equal OpportunityDBOT Policy 3.33, Control and Discipline of StudentsDBOT Policy 3.34, Solicitations by StudentsDBOT Policy 3.35, Students Borrowing Equipment<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 151 / 202

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