SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Faculty Credentials TableFaculty Roster Form3.7.2Faculty: Faculty evaluationThe institution regularly evaluates the effectiveness of each faculty member in accord with publishedcriteria, regardless of contractual or tenured status.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrative<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) places a high value on the regular evaluation of facultyeffectiveness. Each faculty member is evaluated annually by students and direct supervisors. Theevaluation process is designed to improve the quality of teaching and instructional services performed bythe faculty and may be used for decisions related to the faculty member's contract. The description of thefaculty expectations and the evaluation procedures is published in the Faculty Handbook. Furthermore,procedures for faculty evaluation, evaluation feedback, and due process procedures are detailed in SFCCAdministrative Procedure 5040.Annually, instructional supervisors evaluate faculty members in their departments. The evaluationsinclude assessment of performance in planning for instructional activities, delivering course content,managing the learning environment, evaluating student progress, maintaining professional standards,and demonstrating professionalism. Faculty evaluation involves an annual observation of the facultymember by the instructional supervisor or designee. The supervisor and the faculty member determine atime for the observations to be conducted that will not interfer with planned classroom activities. Studentevaluations and performace of administrative/supervisory/general duties are also considered. Distancelearning faculty and traditional classroom faculty are evaluated using the same process regardless of themode in which the instruction is delivered.Each faculty member is evaluated by students in all classes, each term using the Student Evaluation ofInstruction (SEI) form. Student evaluations may be conducted through an online survey or a papersurvey administered without the faculty present at the time of the administration. All student responsesare kept anonymous. The responses from the student evaluation forms are reviewed by the facultymember and supervisor after the end of the semester or at the beginning of the next semester.At the beginning of each calendar year, the faculty member and the instructional supervisor schedule aconference to discuss the performance evaluation for the previous calendar year. Full-time faculty consultwith the supervisor and offer comments about the evaluation during the conference. Faculty andinstructional supervisor sign the form at the completion of the conference.The completed, signedInstructional Faculty Performance Evaluation is forwarded to the Vice President for Educational andStudent Services for review. The annual evaluation forms are maintained in the employee personnel filesin the Human Resources Department.Part-time adjunct faculty members are evaluated during each class, each term using the InstructionalFaculty Performance Evaluation. The evaluation instrument and the feedback procedures are thesame as those for the full-time faculty. If the adjunct faculty member disagrees with any part of theevaluation, the instructor may comment on the instrument or attach comments to the instrument. Anattachment must be provided to the instructional supervisor within three working days after theconference. Completed evaluation instruments for adjunct faculty are maintained by the instructionalsupervisor.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 132 / 202The Annual Service <strong>Report</strong> supplements the faculty performance evaluation. The Annual Service <strong>Report</strong> iscompleted by the faculty member prior to the evaluation meeting with the instructional supervisor and

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