SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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to SFCC. If credits were awarded by a non-regionally accredited institution or by an institution that is notpart of the state-wide articulation agreements, then the Registrar and appropriate faculty/departmentchair will evaluate each course individually and will make a decision regarding equivalency based onavailable documents. To ensure that the transfer course is fully equivalent to that taught by SFCC andresults in student competencies at least equal to those of students enrolled in the comparable course atSFCC, the following documentation on the transfer course must be submitted by the student: The coursedescription from the catalog of the awarding institution, a copy of the course syllabus that indicatestextbooks and course requirements, and educational credentials of the instructor. All documentationbecomes a part of the student's academic history file.Military veterans may request credit for training received under the Armed Forces College Trainingprograms. The Registrar is the designated person to assist services members and veterans with themilitary evaluations program. Award of credit is based on equivalencies recommended by theAmerican Council of Education (see Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the ArmedServices), better known as the ACE Guide. A copy of a veteran's DD form 214 is required.The <strong>Florida</strong> statewide Common Prerequisites Counseling Manual (memorandum on CommonPrerequisite Counseling Manual) is a centralized compilation of program prerequisites that can bereferenced at FACTS.org by counselors and students in their academic planning and aids in the review ofacceptance of credits. The Common Prerequisites Counseling Manual is compiled in a format asestablished by the oversight subcommittee of the Articulation Coordinating Committee and is consideredto be the official publication of the program prerequisites. Only course substitutions approved by thiscommittee can be used. Universities and community colleges cannot grant unapproved coursesubstitutions for either native students or transfers from <strong>Florida</strong> public institutions. Further, allinstitutions must accept the common prerequisites and/or substitutions in transfer.SourcesACE GuideDBOT Policy 3.11, Evaluation of Transfer and Accelerated Learning Credit<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong>wide Course Numbering System<strong>Florida</strong>'s Advising, Counseling, and Tracking SystemMemorandum on Common Prerequisites ManualMilitary Evaluations ProgramSFCC Administrative Procedure 3111, Evaluating Regionally Accredited Institutional CreditSFCC Administrative Procedure 3112, Evaluating Non-Regionally Accredited Institutional CreditSFCC Administrative Procedure 3113, Awarding Accelerated/Experiential Learning CreditSFCC Administrative Procedure 3114, Awarding Credit for Non-Credit Courses3.4.5Educational Programs: All academic policiesThe institution publishes academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice. Theseare disseminated to students, faculty, and other interested parties through publications that accuratelyrepresent the programs and services of the institution.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrative<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) publishes academic policies that adhere to principles ofgood educational practice. Policies are disseminated to students, faculty, and other interested parties<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 94 / 202through print and online publications that accurately represent the programs and services of the college.SFCC provides public online Internet access to the primary source of academic policies contained withinthe SFCC College Catalog 2010-2011 and Student Handbook 2010-2011. Additionally, students

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