SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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develop.In addition to state funding, the locally generated student capital improvement fee (CIF) revenues can beused for facility improvements, including bonding for renovation or construction. The college hastraditionally used these CIF revenues along with other allocated resources to furnish all facilities withcurrent technology resources and furniture/equipment (Approved Furniture, Equipment, andTechnology Budget).Minor renovation and repair projects ($300,000 or less) are managed and staffed by the Physical PlantOperations and Maintenance Department (Maintenance). As a result, annual planning meetings areconducted to help develop a list of projects for the upcoming year based on resources and needs toensure equitable allocation of resources. The capital improvement requests are made part of the capitaloutlay budget approved by the SFCC District Board of Trustees (DBOT) following review and approval ofthe President.The college’s plant operations are centralized under the direction of the Director of Physical PlantOperations, Remodeling, Renovation, and Maintenance. Lead Maintenance employees are located at eachof the three special purpose centers (DeSoto campus, Hardee campus, and Lake Placid center) and at theHotel Jacaranda site. The central plant operations office is located on the Highlands campus and housesmaintenance employees who work primarily at the Highlands campus but rotate to other sites as needed.Staffing for the Maintenance Department includes 16 building maintenance, nine grounds maintenance,15 custodial services, and four office/managerial employees. Service contracts for HVAC systems,elevators, fire alarms, fire suppression, lawn pesticide and fertilization, and other services are anessential part of the maintenance program. Emergency plumbing and electrical repairs are performed bylocal contractors on call as needed. Currently, no deferred maintenance projects are awaiting funding.The Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Department responds to requests for maintenanceservices timely and effectively. The preferred method is for employees to notify Maintenance with anelectronic work request using the computer maintenance management system "SchoolDude." Manywork requests are made by phone calls to department staff who dispatch workers by radio or who enterthe order into the computer work order system for routine handling when not urgent or when requiringsupervisory oversight. Maintenance employees are trained to monitor conditions as they work throughoutfacilities and to report deficiencies or concerns for internal resolution.Preventative maintenance is an essential component of physical plant maintenance. Atargeted preventative maintenance program is in place with logs for HVAC and other equipment toensure that components such as belts and filters are systematically and routinely replaced and that otherfeatures are examined regularly to minimize the risk of sudden failure to equipment or systems. Eachcampus and center maintains these checklists and supervisors randomly verify that the work is beingcompleted for each facility.SFCC facilities are inspected annually for fire safety, sanitation, and potential casualty losses by the<strong>Florida</strong> College System Risk Management Consortium (FCSRMC) and by the local fire departments.The county health departments also inspect swimming pool and food service operations routinely toconfirm compliance with health and sanitation requirements. The FCSRMC was created by mutualagreement of the boards of trustees of <strong>Florida</strong>’s community colleges to develop and implement astatewide cooperative system of risk management under one comprehensive plan. As a participatingmember, the college enjoys the benefits of an excellent program of self-insurance for property, casualty,health, and life. The college, as a political subdivision of the <strong>State</strong> of <strong>Florida</strong>, benefits from theprovisions of <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes 768.28 which provides sovereign immunity protection.The August 2010 Employee Satisfaction Survey revealed an extremely high satisfaction level with theoperation and maintenance of physical facilities at SFCC. Only 2.7% of respondents stated that they weredissatisfied with Maintenance services, with the majority of employees who stated an opinion indicating ahigh level of satisfaction. The 2007-08 Student Opinion Survey responses indicated a highly<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 180 / 202favorable view of facilities at the college, with all areas surveyed receiving equal or higher marks fromSFCC students than the national norms. Additionally, the 2008-10 Graduate Satisfaction Surveyprovided similar responses, with only 0.6% of respondents indicating dissatisfaction.

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