SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Trustee Duties and Responsibilities Training ResourceTrustee Orientation Checklist3.2.5Governance and Administration: Board dismissalThe governing board has a policy whereby members can be dismissed only for appropriate reasons andby a fair process.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrativeThe <strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) District Board of Trustees (DBOT) has a policy identifyingthat board members can be dismissed only for appropriate reasons as defined by the state constitutionand <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes.Members of the DBOT are appointed by the Governor of <strong>Florida</strong> and confirmed by the <strong>Florida</strong> Senate inregular session FS 1001.61. As public officers, board members are held to the standards of conductdefined in FS 112.313. College policy states that Board members can be suspended or removed fromoffice only for appropriate reason as defined by the <strong>Florida</strong> Constitution Article IV, Section 7. Thesereasons include malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetence, permanentinability to perform official duties, or commission of a felony (Article IV, Section 7), or misdemeanorarising out of their official conduct or duties as a Board member (FS 112.52). Additionally, a membermay be removed by the governor whenever a board member fails to attend three consecutive regularboard meetings in any one fiscal year FS 1001.61.Due process is afforded to any affected trustee as defined in the <strong>Florida</strong> Constitution Article I,Section 9.In the history of the college, there have been no instances of a governing board member beingdismissed.SourcesDBOT Policy 2.02, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College District Board of Trustees<strong>Florida</strong> Constitution Article I, Section 9; Due Process<strong>Florida</strong> Constitution Article IV, Section 7; Suspension; Filling Office During SuspensionsFS 1001.61(2), Community College Boards of Trustees; MembershipFS 1001.64(4), Community College Boards of Trustees; MembershipFS 112.313, Standards of Conduct for Public Officers, Employees of Agencies, and Local Government AttorneysFS 112.52, Removal of a Public Official When a Method is Not Otherwise Provided3.2.6Governance and Administration: Board/administration distinctionThere is a clear and appropriate distinction, in writing and practice, between the policy-making functionsof the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer andimplement policy.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not Applicable<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 64 / 202Narrative

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