SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Student Opinion Survey 2007-08Student Opinion Survey 20103.8.2Library and Other Learning Resources: Instruction of library useThe institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the libraryand other learning/information resources.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrativeInstruction for Students<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) librarians provide regular and timely instruction in the use ofthe library and information resources.The Highlands Campus Library is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and onFriday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The reference desk is staffed during all hours of operation by a referenceassistant who is knowledgeable and available to assist students in the use of library resources. Alibrarian is available for more in-depth instruction. Students at the DeSoto and Hardee campuses andLake Placid center can call the reference desk at the Highlands Campus Library or use the statewide Aska-Librarianservice available from computer terminals at each location. The Chair, Library Services visitseach campus site regularly to provide services and instruction. Arrangements can also be made for alibrarian to meet with students one-on-one in a face-to-face format at each college site.For more formal instruction, faculty can request a librarian conduct a library orientation and/orinstruction session for their classes at any of the college sites by filling out the Library Orientation-Skills Instruction Scheduling Request . The librarians collaborate with faculty in advance of thesession to determine what specific assignments students are engaged in and to tailor the instructionaccordingly. Table 3.8.2-1 indicates the number of library orientation/instruction sessions, as well as thenumber of students who received instruction. In addition to English 1101, the librarians conductedsessions for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), nursing, childcare, medical secretary,speech, dental education, Master Student and College Success, psychology, sociology, developmentalreading, education, literature, humanities, freshman orientation, Career Academy, first-year experience,and the Summer Bridge Program.Table 3.8.2-1: Library Orientations/Instruction Sessions# of sessions # of studentsAY2007-2008 57 976AY2008-2009 51 973AY2009-2010 77 1394To supplement instruction and provide an alternative modality for distance learners, in September 2009,the library purchased a subscription to MURALS, an online service that provides tutorials on how tolocate and use many library resources. These tutorials have been made available on the library’s Guidesand Handouts Web page and within the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) site. The tutorials were promoted to facultyand students with postings in Outlook’s College Info and in D2L. Between November 1, 2009 and July 12,2010, 388 individuals viewed the 95 tutorials 2,163 times.Instruction for Faculty<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College Page 145 / 202The Library ensures that SFCC faculty and staff have access to regular and timely instruction in the use ofthe library and information resources. Faculty and staff receive one-on-one instruction as needed. Each

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