SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...

SACS Compliance Certification Report (PDF) - South Florida State ...


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Institutional Effectiveness | Employee Satisfaction Survey 2010Institutional Effectiveness | Graduate Satisfaction Survey (GSS) <strong>Report</strong> 2008-2010Monthly Inspection Log SamplesPosition Descriptions and Staff QualificationsRight to Know (MSDS) CentersSafety and Security Committee Minutes & AgendasSafety and Security Committee <strong>Report</strong> 2008-2009SFCC Website, <strong>Report</strong>ing of EmergenciesStudent Services | Student Handbook 2010-2011Training Records, BiomedicalWaste Manifest3.11.3Physical Resources: Physical facilitiesThe institution operates and maintains physical facilities, both on and off campus, that appropriatelyserve the needs of the institution’s educational programs, support services, and other mission-relatedactivities.JudgmentCompliant Non-Compliant Not ApplicableNarrative<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong> Community College (SFCC) operates and maintains educational facilities at multiplelocations throughout its three-county service district. The Highlands Campus near Avon Park in HighlandsCounty offers degree, certificate, and diploma programs and a full-range of support services. TheHighlands campus houses multiple classrooms, laboratories, and student and administrative supportspaces. The college also operates three special purpose centers, the DeSoto campus, Hardee campus,and the Lake Placid center which provide classrooms, laboratories, and student support spaces onpermanent sites to ensure access to residents throughout the tri-county district. Additionally,instructional sites are located within Highlands County in Avon Park, Sebring, and Lorida for specificprogram offerings. The college also offers dual enrollment classes in school district facilities and incollege facilities throughout the district.The Campus Master Plan 2020 (Plan) was developed in 2003 and provides a year 2020 outlook ofpossible building locations and campus development at the Highlands, DeSoto, and Hardee campuslocations based on projected enrollment and program growth. The plan has helped guide thedevelopment of SFCC's Educational Plant Survey (EPS) in compliance with <strong>Florida</strong> Statutes (FS)1013.31. The EPS documents the inventory of existing educational and ancillary facilities and projectionof space needs based on full-time equivalency (FTE) enrollment projections and standards by site.The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) lists facility needs identified within the EPS by specificproject in priority order, including projected cost, based on the EPS data. The CIP is revised andsubmitted annually for funding consideration after prioritization of all community college projects by theDivision of <strong>Florida</strong> Colleges. The current Facilities Legislative Budget Request provides for anexpansion of the Fire Science program at SFCC in 2013-14, in addition to general renovation andmaintenance funding each year.Capital outlay appropriations are allocated annually by the <strong>Florida</strong> Legislature for construction,remodeling, or renovation projects by colleges in accordance with CIP requests and funding availability.The primary source of funds is from a tax on utility billings known as Public Education Capital Outlay(PECO). Colleges receive an appropriation for construction and remodeling based on need, and eachcollege<strong>South</strong> <strong>Florida</strong>receivesCommunityanCollegeallocation for general renovation projects to support smaller enhancementPageneeds.178 / 202Inaddition to bonded PECO funding, colleges also receive an appropriation for maintenance and repairs.In addition to PECO funding, the college receives an appropriation annually from the <strong>State</strong>'s Capital

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