The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D


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THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CORPORATE R&DReferencesAllen, T. (1977) Managing the Flow <strong>of</strong> Technology: Technology Transfer and the Dissemination<strong>of</strong> Technological Information within the R&D Organization,Cambridge: MIT Press.Chacar, A. & M. Lieberman. (2003) “Organizing for Technological Innovation in theU.S. Pharmaceutical Industry,” Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 20, pp.299–322.Chesbrough, H. (2003) Open Innovation – <strong>The</strong> New Imperative for Creating and Pr<strong>of</strong>itingfrom Technology, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.Cummings, J. (2004) “Work Groups, Structural Diversity and Knowledge Sharing in aGlobal Organization,” Management Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 352–364.DiMasi, J., R. Hansen & H. Grabowski (2003) “<strong>The</strong> Price <strong>of</strong> Innovation: New Estimates<strong>of</strong> Drug Development Costs,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Health Economics, Vol. 22, pp.151–185.Furman, J., M. Kyle, I. Cockburn & R. Henderson (2004) Public and Private Spillovers,Location and the Productivity <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutical Research, Paper preparedfor the NBER, CRIW and CREST conference on R&D, Education andProductivity in Paris, August 25–27, 2003.Gambardella, A. (1995) Science and Innovation in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry,Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.Jaffe, A. (1989) “Real Effects <strong>of</strong> Academic Research,” American Economic Review,No. 79, pp. 957–70.Kale, D. (2005) Learning to Innovate: <strong>The</strong> Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Responseto Emerging TRIPs Regime, Article presented at DRUID Academy Winter 2005Ph.D. Conference.Kyle, M. (2004) “Does Locale Affect R&D Productivity? <strong>The</strong> Case <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceuticals,”FRBSF Economic Letter, No. 2004–32, November 12.OECD (2004) Science, Technology and Industry Outlook, OECD, Paris.PhRMA (2004) Annual Membership Survey.PhRMA (2005) Newsrelease, February 18:www.phrma.org/mediaroom/press/releases/18.02.2005.1128.cfm.Regeringskansliet (2005) Läkemedel, bioteknik och medicinteknik – en del av InnovativaSverige, Näringsdepartementet, December 2005.166

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