The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D


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THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CORPORATE R&DReferencesACI (2006) American Competitiveness Initiative – Leading the Way in Innovation, <strong>The</strong>White House, February 2006.AEA (2005) Losing the Competitive Advantage? <strong>The</strong> Challenge for Science and Technologyin the United States, American Electronics Association.Andersson, T., S. Schwaag Serger, J. Sörvik & E. Wise Hansson (2004) <strong>The</strong> ClusterPolicies Whitebook, International Organisation for Knowledge Economy andEnterprise Development.BAA (2001) Backing Australia's Ability – An Innovation Action Plan for the Future,Commonwealth <strong>of</strong> Australia.Bengtsson, L., C. Berggren & J. Lind (Eds.) (2005) Alternativ till outsourcing, LiberAB, Stockholm.BEPA (2005) EU Competitiveness and Industrial Location, Bureau <strong>of</strong> European PolicyAdvisers, European Commission.Blomström, M. & A. Kokko (2003) <strong>The</strong> Economics <strong>of</strong> Foreign Direct Investment Incentives,NBER Working Paper No. 9489, Cambridge, MA.Brainard, L. & R. Litan (2004) “Offshoring” Service Jobs: Bane or Boon – and Whatto Do? Policy Brief 132, <strong>The</strong> Brookings Institution, April 2004.Colvin, G. (2005) “Can Americans Compete? Is America the World’s 97-lb. Weakling?”Fortune, July 20, 2005.DTI (2003) Innovation Report – Competing in the Global Economy: the InnovationChallenge, Department <strong>of</strong> Trade and Industry, December 2003.EC (2000) An Agenda <strong>of</strong> Economic and Social Renewal for Europe, COM (2000) 7,European Commission.EC (2004) TrendChart – Innovation Policy in Europe 2004, DG Enterprise and Industry,European Commission.EC (2005a) Building the ERA <strong>of</strong> Knowledge for Growth, COM (2005) 118, EuropeanCommission.EC (2005b) Key Figures 2005 on Science, Technology and Innovation: Towards aEuropean Knowledge Area, European Commission, July 2005.EC (2005c) More Research and Innovation – Investing for Growth and Employment: ACommon Approach, COM (2005) 488, European Commission.Edling, J. (2005) Agenda för Sverige, Flexicurity.49

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