The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D


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THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CORPORATE R&DIn the past decade, the Chinese government has identified a number <strong>of</strong> ways toenhance or supplement its domestic innovative capacity. First, China hasimplemented effective policies for attracting R&D activities by foreign companies(this will be discussed in greater detail in Section 4). And China’s highlysuccessful efforts to attract FDI are arguably driven by the desire to upgradescientific, technological and innovative capabilities.Second, and a very important element <strong>of</strong> the government’s efforts to increase China’sinnovative capacity, are new incentive programs that encourage pr<strong>of</strong>essionals <strong>of</strong> Chineseorigin to return to China (see for example Saxenian 2005). This applies to scientists,but also people with management and other significant business experience. Thus,the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education set up a “Fund for Returnees to Launch S&T Research” in1990, which according to the Ministry’s website, has provided financial support <strong>of</strong>more than 350 million RMB (approximately 45 million dollars) to 11,000 returnees.<strong>The</strong> “Program for Training Talents Toward the 21 st Century” targets teachers returningfrom overseas studies. Started in 1993, it has granted 180 million RMB (23 milliondollars) to 922 people. Other programs, aimed at attracting Chinese-national studentsand scholars, finance scholars <strong>of</strong> Chinese origin wishing to return temporarily to Chinafor short-term visits, to conduct research, or to give lectures.Another example is the National Science Fund for Distinguished Scholars (NSFC),which was established in 1994 with the explicit objective <strong>of</strong> attracting overseas scholarsback to China. NSFC provides significant research grants <strong>of</strong> approximately 1 millionRMB (around 125 million dollars) for Chinese scholars with foreign nationality(NSFC homepage). Scientists willing to return to China are also <strong>of</strong>fered entire state-<strong>of</strong>the-artresearch labs as well as prestigious titles and awards. Starting in the late 1980s,Chinese cities and High-Tech Development Zones began to <strong>of</strong>fer tax breaks and otherincentives, such as free <strong>of</strong>fice space, better housing and fast-track promotions, for Chinesereturnees (Asia Times 2000).Between 1978 and 2003 around 700,000 Chinese citizens from mainland China wentabroad to study, mainly in the U.S., Japan and U.K.; approximately 170,000 are estimatedto have returned (Ministry <strong>of</strong> Education website). <strong>The</strong>se returnees have been avital component <strong>of</strong> China’s innovation system, playing a key role in many <strong>of</strong> the country’sscientific and technological achievements, as well as its commercial success stories.Chinese returnees account for a high share <strong>of</strong> new-business launch and knowledgeproduction, in terms <strong>of</strong> scientific publications, patenting and licensing. Many <strong>of</strong> themhave been instrumental in setting up China-based R&D labs and institutes, both academicand corporate (People’s Daily 2003).236

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