The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D


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THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CORPORATE R&Dcountries in 2003. <strong>The</strong> U.S. accounted for 38 percent <strong>of</strong> these companies, Japan for22 percent, and Germany for 13 percent. Sweden ranked number seven with 15 (2percent) <strong>of</strong> the total 700 companies (DTI 2004).<strong>The</strong> top five Swedish-controlled companies in terms <strong>of</strong> total R&D spending in 2004were Ericsson with 3011 million R&D dollars (17 percent R&D intensity), Volvo 1225(4.3 percent), TeliaSonera 381 (3.4 percent), Autoliv 335 (6 percent) and Scania 315(4 percent) (EC 2005b).Figure 2-3 R&D expenditure (billion dollars) and R&D intensity (R&D as a percentage <strong>of</strong> sales) in2004 in selected industry sectors (with the number <strong>of</strong> companies in the sector indicated).3025Biotechnology(17)R&D intensity (%)20151050Semiconductors& Components(15)Netw ork & CommunicationsEq.(7)S<strong>of</strong>tw are & DataServices (19)Chemicals Computer &(20) Office Eq. (17)Medical Eq. (11)Aerospace &Defense (16)Pharmaceuticals(27)Electronics &Electrical Eq. (33)Motor Vehicles& Parts (32)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70R&D expenditure (BUSD)Note: Data from annual reports from the 320 top R&D-spending companies worldwide, classified by industry sectoraccording to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System.Source: Bowonder et al. 2005.2.1.3 <strong>Corporate</strong> R&D Trends<strong>The</strong> structure <strong>of</strong> corporate R&D is changing in a number <strong>of</strong> ways that have implicationsfor innovation systems and policymakers (see for example Karlsson 2004).End <strong>of</strong> growth pattern. <strong>Corporate</strong> R&D investment has experienced steady growthin most OECD countries since the early 1990s. However, after a peak around 2001,R&D investments have shifted to a pattern <strong>of</strong> stagnating and even decreasing levels<strong>of</strong> investments.American companies made steep cutbacks and R&D performed by industry declinedfrom 2.0 to 1.8 percent <strong>of</strong> GDP between 2001 and 2003. <strong>The</strong> decline in Sweden wasfrom 3.3 to 2.9 percent <strong>of</strong> GDP (Armbrecht 2005, MSTI 2005, SCB 2005).59

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