The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D

The Internationalization of Corporate R&D


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THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CORPORATE R&DFramework for the Analysis<strong>The</strong> process <strong>of</strong> R&D internationalization is analyzed in two interconnected, basic dimensions:companies and countries. On the one hand, multinational companies are theprincipal drivers <strong>of</strong> the process, as they seek to optimize their economic and innovativeperformance by combining and managing different geographical R&D locations acrossseveral countries. On the other hand, countries seek to maximize economic and innovativeactivities within their borders by implementing policies that attract R&D and“downstream” business activities that generate tax revenues and employment. In terms<strong>of</strong> R&D investment, a given country is both a host for foreign R&D facilities and ahome for companies with R&D abroad.As a general framework for the analysis, a simple model for understanding the internationalizationprocess is used. <strong>The</strong> model includes four different levels <strong>of</strong> analysis (see Figure 1-1).Figure 1-1 An illustrative model <strong>of</strong> the process <strong>of</strong> R&D internationalization at company,global, country and policy level with Sweden as an example.Sw edishPolicy inconditions forSwedenbusiness andR&DPolicy, business & R&Dconditions in othercountries4<strong>Corporate</strong>strategiesInternationalImplications& businessflows &at countrydecisionsredistributionlevel for<strong>of</strong> R&DSwedencapabilities1 2 3Source: ITPS.First, corporate strategies and business decisions involving R&D activities are theprime movers <strong>of</strong> the internationalization process (company level). Matters <strong>of</strong> R&Dlocalization may be part <strong>of</strong> broader strategic decisions, involving production, marketingas well as mergers and acquisitions. Second, these decisions result in internationalflows and a redistribution <strong>of</strong> R&D capabilities, such as capital, talent andknowledge. Third, the flows have an impact on national innovation systems (countrylevel), for example on employment, innovative capabilities and national value creation.Finally, national policies, as part <strong>of</strong> the general business and R&D conditions in acountry, are influencing the decision-making process <strong>of</strong> companies. Strategic decisionsregarding R&D localization are influenced by factors such as the configuration <strong>of</strong> local33

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