The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Varieties</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>would in time give me perfect health. Within ten days I was able toeat anything provided for others, and after two weeks I began tohave my own positive mental suggestions <strong>of</strong> Truth, which were tome like stepping-stones. I will note a few <strong>of</strong> them, they came abouttwo weeks apart.“1st. I am Soul, therefore it is well with me.“2d. I am Soul, therefore I am well.“3d. A sort <strong>of</strong> inner vision <strong>of</strong> myself as a four-footed beast with aprotuberance on every part <strong>of</strong> my body where I had suffering, withmy own face, begging me to acknowledge it as myself. I resolutelyfixed my attention on being well, and refused to even look at myold self in this form.“4th. Again the vision <strong>of</strong> the beast far in the background, with faintvoice. Again refusal to acknowledge.“5th. Once more the vision, but only <strong>of</strong> my eyes with the longinglook; and again the refusal. <strong>The</strong>n came the conviction, the innerconsciousness, that I was perfectly well and always had been, for Iwas Soul, an expression <strong>of</strong> God’s Perfect Thought. That was to methe perfect and completed separation between what I was and whatI appeared to be. I succeeded in never losing sight after this <strong>of</strong> myreal being, by constantly affirming this truth, and by degrees (thoughit took me two years <strong>of</strong> hard work to get there) I expressed healthcontinuously throughout my whole body.“In my subsequent nineteen years’ experience I have never knownthis Truth to fail when I applied it, though in my ignorance I have<strong>of</strong>ten failed to apply it, but through my failures I have learned thesimplicity and trustfulness <strong>of</strong> the little child.”But I fear that I risk tiring you by so many examples, and I mustlead you back to philosophic generalities again. You see already bysuch records <strong>of</strong> experience how impossible it is not to class mindcureas primarily a religious movement. Its doctrine <strong>of</strong> the oneness100

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