The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Varieties</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>respectfully and lovingly with him, and fills us with desire and affectionfor him… . Would you escape from every ill? Never lose thisrecollection <strong>of</strong> God, neither in prosperity nor in adversity, nor on anyoccasion whichsoever it be. Invoke not, to excuse yourself from thisduty, either the difficulty or the importance <strong>of</strong> your business, for youcan always remember that God sees you, that you are under his eye. Ifa thousand times an hour you forget him, reanimate a thousand timesthe recollection.If you cannot practice this exercise continuously, at least makeyourself as familiar with it as possible; and, like unto those who in arigorous winter draw near the fire as <strong>of</strong>ten as they can, go as <strong>of</strong>ten asyou can to that ardent fire which will warm your soul.”62All the external associations <strong>of</strong> the Catholic discipline are <strong>of</strong> courseunlike anything in mind-cure thought, but the purely spiritual part<strong>of</strong> the exercise is identical in both communions, and in both communionsthose who urge it write with authority, for they have evidentlyexperienced in their own persons that where<strong>of</strong> they tell. Compareagain some mind-cure utterances:—“High, healthful, pure thinking can be encouraged, promoted,and strengthened. Its current can be turned upon grand ideals untilit forms a habit and wears a channel. By means <strong>of</strong> such disciplinethe mental horizon can be flooded with the sunshine <strong>of</strong> beauty,wholeness, and harmony. To inaugurate pure and l<strong>of</strong>ty thinkingmay at first seem difficult, even almost mechanical, but perseverancewill at length render it easy, then pleasant, and finally delightful.“<strong>The</strong> soul’s real world is that which it has built <strong>of</strong> its thoughts,mental states, and imaginations. If we will, we can turn our backsupon the lower and sensuous plane, and lift ourselves into the realm<strong>of</strong> the spiritual and Real, and there gain a residence. <strong>The</strong> assumption<strong>of</strong> states <strong>of</strong> expectancy and receptivity will attract spiritual sunshine,and it will flow in as naturally as air inclines to a vacuum… .Whenever the though; is not occupied with one’s daily duty or pr<strong>of</strong>ession,it should he sent al<strong>of</strong>t into the spiritual atmosphere. <strong>The</strong>reare quiet leisure moments by day, and wakeful hours at night, when62 Quoted by Lejeune: Introd. a la vie Mystique, 1899, p. 66.110

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