The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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William JamesOne word, before I close this lecture, on the question <strong>of</strong> the transiencyor permanence <strong>of</strong> these abrupt conversions. Some <strong>of</strong> you, Ifeel sure, knowing that numerous backslidings and relapses take place,make <strong>of</strong> these their apperceiving mass for interpreting the wholesubject, and dismiss it with a pitying smile at so much “hysterics.”Psychologically, as well as religiously, however, this is shallow. It missesthe point <strong>of</strong> serious interest, which is not so much the duration asthe nature and quality <strong>of</strong> these shiftings <strong>of</strong> character to higher levels.Men lapse from every level—we need no statistics to tell us that.Love is, for instance, well known not to be irrevocable, yet, constantor inconstant, it reveals new flights and reaches <strong>of</strong> ideality while itlasts. <strong>The</strong>se revelations form its significance to men and women,whatever be its duration. So with the conversion experience: that itshould for even a short time show a human being what the highwatermark <strong>of</strong> his spiritual capacity is, this is what constitutes itsimportance—an importance which backsliding cannot diminish,although persistence might increase it. As a matter <strong>of</strong> fact, all themore striking instances <strong>of</strong> conversion, all those, for instance, whichI have quoted, have been permanent. <strong>The</strong> case <strong>of</strong> which there mightbe most doubt, on account <strong>of</strong> its suggesting so strongly an epilep-“In an instant there rose up in me such a sense <strong>of</strong> God’s taking care <strong>of</strong>those who put their trust in him that for an hour all the world was crystalline,the heavens were lucid, and I sprang to my feet and began to cry andlaugh.” H. W. Beecher, quoted by Leuba.“My tears <strong>of</strong> sorrow changed to joy, and I lay there praising God in suchecstasy <strong>of</strong> joy as only the soul who experiences it can realize.” —”I cannotexpress how I felt. It was as if I had been in a dark dungeon and lifted intothe light <strong>of</strong> the sun. I shouted and I sang praise unto him who loved meand washed me from my sins. I was forced to retire into a secret place, forthe tears did flow, and I did not wish my shopmates to see me, and yet Icould not keep it a secret.”—”I experienced joy almost to weeping.”—”Ifelt my face must have shone like that <strong>of</strong> Moses.I had a general feeling <strong>of</strong> buoyancy. It was the greatest joy it was ever mylot to experience.”—”I wept and laughed alternately.I was as light as if walking on air. I felt as if I had gained greater peaceand happiness than I had ever expected to experience.” Starbuck’s correspondents.233

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