The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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William Jamesand when we choose so to rise, all the higher powers <strong>of</strong> the Universecombine to help us heavenward.”51Let me now pass from these abstracter statements to some moreconcrete accounts <strong>of</strong> experience with the mind-cure religion. I havemany answers from correspondents—the only difficulty is to choose.<strong>The</strong> first two whom I shall quote are my personal friends. One <strong>of</strong>them, a woman, writing as follows, expresses well the feeling <strong>of</strong> continuitywith the Infinite Power, by which all mind-cure disciples areinspired.“<strong>The</strong> first underlying cause <strong>of</strong> all sickness, weakness, or depressionis the human sense <strong>of</strong> separateness from that Divine Energy which wecall God. <strong>The</strong> soul which can feel and affirm in serene but jubilantconfidence, as did the Nazarene: ‘I and my Father are one,’ has n<strong>of</strong>urther need <strong>of</strong> healer, or <strong>of</strong> healing. This is the whole truth in anutshell, and other foundation for wholeness can no man lay thanthis fact <strong>of</strong> impregnable divine union. Disease can no longer attackone whose feet are planted on this rock, who feels hourly, momently,the influx <strong>of</strong> the Deific Breath. If one with Omnipotence, how canweariness enter the consciousness, how illness assail that indomitablespark?“This possibility <strong>of</strong> annulling forever the law <strong>of</strong> fatigue has beenabundantly proven in my own case; for my earlier life bears a record<strong>of</strong> many, many years <strong>of</strong> bedridden invalidism, with spine and lowerlimbs paralyzed. My thoughts were no more impure than they areto-day, although my belief in the necessity <strong>of</strong> illness was dense andunenlightened; but since my resurrection in the flesh, I have workedas a healer unceasingly for fourteen years without a vacation, andcan truthfully assert that I have never known a moment <strong>of</strong> fatigueor pain, although coming in touch constantly with excessive weakness,illness, and disease <strong>of</strong> all kinds. For how can a conscious part<strong>of</strong> Deity be sick?—since ‘Greater is he that is with us than all thatcan strive against us.’”My second correspondent, also a woman, sends me the followingstatement:—51 R. W. Trine: In Tune with the Infinite, 26th thousand, N.Y. 1899. Ihave strung scattered passages together.97

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