The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Varieties</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Religious</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>who had already begun to be inwardly dissatisfied with what seemedto them the harshness and irrationality <strong>of</strong> the orthodox Christianscheme. As examples are better than descriptions, I will quote adocument received in answer to Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Starbuck’s circular <strong>of</strong> questions.<strong>The</strong> writer’s state <strong>of</strong> mind may by courtesy be called a religion, forit is his reaction on the whole nature <strong>of</strong> things, it is systematic andreflective and it loyally binds him to certain inner ideals. I thinkyou will recognize in him, coarse-meated and incapable <strong>of</strong> woundedspirit as he is, a sufficiently familiar contemporary type.Q. What does Religion mean to you?A. It means nothing; and it seems, so far as I can observe useless toothers. I am sixty-seven years <strong>of</strong> age and have resided in X fifty years,and have been in business forty-five, consequently I have some littleexperience <strong>of</strong> life and men, and some women too, and I find that themost religious and pious people are as a rule those most lacking inuprightness and morality.<strong>The</strong> men who do not go to church or have any religious convictionsare the best. Praying, singing <strong>of</strong> hymns, and sermonizing arepernicious—they teach us to rely on some supernatural power, whenwe ought to rely on ourselves. I teetotally disbelieve in a God. <strong>The</strong>God-idea was begotten in ignorance, fear, and a general lack <strong>of</strong> anyknowledge <strong>of</strong> Nature. If I were to die now, being in a healthy conditionfor my age, both mentally and physically, I would just as lief, yes,rather, die with a hearty enjoyment <strong>of</strong> music, sport, or any other rationalpastime. As a timepiece stops, we die—there being no immortalityin either case.Q. What comes before your mind corresponding to the words God,Heaven, Angels, etc?A. Nothing whatever. I am a man without a religion. <strong>The</strong>se wordsmean so much mythic bosh.88

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