The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

The Varieties of Religious Experience - Penn State University

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William Jamesing, but who labor nevertheless with the same eternal human difficulty.Things are wrong with them; and “What shall I do to be clear, right,sound, whole, well?” is the form <strong>of</strong> their question. And the answer is:“You are well, sound, and clear already, if you did but know it.” “<strong>The</strong>whole matter may be summed up in one sentence,” says one <strong>of</strong> theauthors whom I have already quoted, “God is well, and so are you. Youmust awaken to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> your real being.”<strong>The</strong> adequacy <strong>of</strong> their message to the mental needs <strong>of</strong> a large fraction<strong>of</strong> mankind is what gave force to those earlier gospels. Exactlythe same adequacy holds in the case <strong>of</strong> the mind-cure message, foolishas it may sound upon its surface; and seeing its rapid growth ininfluence, and its therapeutic triumphs, one is tempted to ask whetherit may not be destined (probably by very reason <strong>of</strong> the crudity andextravagance <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> its manifestations53) to play a part almostas great in the evolution <strong>of</strong> the popular religion <strong>of</strong> the future as didthose earlier movements in their day.But I here fear that I may begin to “jar upon the nerves” <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong>the members <strong>of</strong> this academic audience. Such contemporary vagaries,you may think, should hardly take so large a place in dignified Giffordlectures. I can only beseech you to have patience. <strong>The</strong> whole outcome<strong>of</strong> these lectures will, I imagine, be the emphasizing to your mind <strong>of</strong>the enormous diversities which the spiritual lives <strong>of</strong> different menexhibit. <strong>The</strong>ir wants, their susceptibilities, and their capacities all varyand must be classed under different heads. <strong>The</strong> result is that we havereally different types <strong>of</strong> religious experience; and, seeking in theselectures closer acquaintance with the healthy-minded type, we musttake it where we find it in most radical form. <strong>The</strong> psychology <strong>of</strong> individualtypes <strong>of</strong> character has hardly begun even to be sketched asyet—our lectures may possibly serve as a crumb-like contribution tothe structure. <strong>The</strong> first thing to bear in mind (especially if we ourselvesbelong to the clerico-academic-scientific type, the <strong>of</strong>ficially andconventionally “correct” type, “the deadly respectable” type, for which53 It remains to be seen whether the school <strong>of</strong> Mr. Dresser, which assumesmore and more the form <strong>of</strong> mind-cure experience and academic philosophymutually impregnating each other, will score the practical triumphs<strong>of</strong> the less critical and rational sects.103

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