Postal Users' Guide - New Zealand Post

Postal Users' Guide - New Zealand Post

Postal Users' Guide - New Zealand Post


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4 Restricted itemsThe terms High Risk items and Restricted items currently are both used in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> collateral and on itemssuch as postage included bags. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, they both have the same meaning.Restricted items are items that can only be sent if you have complied with the conditions of carriage we specify in TableC below. If the specified conditions of carriage are not met for any Restricted item, including the requirement topurchase additional compensation, the item will be classified as a Prohibited item instead and:you must not give us that item for delivery; andwe are not liable to pay compensation if you give us the item for delivery and it is lost or damaged.Some items listed in Table C are Prohibited items when using certain services. For details about Prohibited items, referto paragraph 3 above.Where noted in Table C, you must purchase additional compensation cover for the full value of the item you aresending. Additional compensation cover is only available when sending items internationally and is available up to thelimits specified as follows:International Air and International Economy (parcels only): up to a limit of $NZ1,500International Economy Courier: up to a limit of $5,000International Express Courier: up to a limit of $50,000.Our general handling and transport processes are the same for all items, and we cannot provide any special treatmentfor items that are fragile. It is your responsibility to ensure that any item is well packaged and can withstand a 1.2mdrop. It is not sufficient to affix labels such as ‘fragile’ or ‘handle with care’ to your item. By accepting your item, we donot acknowledge that the packaging is adequate. For more information about packaging, visit our website atwww.nzpost.co.nz/packageitems.We may, in special circumstances, agree different conditions for the carriage of Restricted items with individual<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> Account customers. Any variations to the conditions set out in the table below will only be valid ifthey are included in the written contract you have with us or if you have written confirmation of the agreed variation froman authorised <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> <strong>Post</strong> representative.The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Government prohibits or restricts the export of various types of items (such as prescriptionmedication and antiquities). You must ensure that your item is not prohibited from export or that you meet any exportrestrictions on the item you are planning to send. For further information, contact the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Customs Service orthe appropriate government authority.Additional restrictions may be placed on items by other countries. It is your responsibility to ensure that your item is notprohibited or restricted in the country you are sending to.Table C Conditions of carriage for Restricted itemsYou must comply with the conditions of carriage for each category that applies to your item.Domestic servicesInternational servicesItemLetters,postcards,Standardparcels, Trackedparcels andRegistered<strong>Post</strong>itemsCourier andCourier &SignatureparcelsInternational Airand InternationalEconomyInternationalExpress CourierInternationalEconomyCourierAny item with contentsvalued at more than thestandard compensationlimit for the serviceselected (For standardcompensation limits seeTables A and B on pages1 and 2)Prohibited itemWe will acceptitems over thisvalue however willonly be liable forloss/damageclaims up to thevalue of NZ$1,500Can be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedStamps (unused) Prohibited item Prohibited item Can be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationcover is purchasedJewellery, watches,precious metals orstones valued underProhibited item Prohibited item Can be sent only ifadditionalcompensationCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationCan be sent only ifadditionalcompensationPUG 2 (October 2013) Page 5 of 8

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