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Corporate ResponsibilityRobi was also awarded the prestigiousGSMA Grant of the Mobile Money forthe Unbanked Programme. Under themCommerce initiative, Robi will beintroducing SMS and IVR basedservices with the aim of assistingf i n a n c i a l l y c o n s t r a i n e d r u r a lcommunities who wish to mobilisemoney in an easier and fastermanner.By reaching out to the under bankedand the unbanked, Robi is enablingindividuals to create financialidentities which will benefit the wholecommunity.In conjunction with the introductionof its new brand, Robi initiated “RobiPolli” (Robi Village), a project toilluminate 500 homes in 50 villagesacross Bangladesh with solarenergy.In an effort to help empower womenand eradicate poverty, Robi hasembarked on a vocational programmeto enhance the womens’ skills andencourage home base businesses.Under this initiative, Robi, incooperation with Ain o Salish Kendra(ASK), a legal aid and human rightsorganisation, donated sewingmachines to the underprivileged.Robi hopes that the sewing machineswill help the women earn their ownlivelihood towards a better future.Robi is also running ‘Shustho Nari,Shustho Paribar’ (Healthy Woman,Healthy Family), a programme whichorganises free health camps to helpthe underprivileged women in thesociety stay healthy and care fortheir families in a healthy way.INDIAIn India, Idea embarked on acampaign titled ‘Talk for India Hour’.The campaign was held in conjunctionwith the first anniversary of 26/11,whereby multiple sites in the Indiancity of Mumbai were attacked withbombs and gunfire in a coordinatedterror attack on 26 November 2008.The nationwide campaign reachedout to approximately 55 million Ideasubscribers. Approximately INR12.5million was generated from thecampaign. Idea doubled the amount,and contributed a total of INR25million to the Prime Minister’s NationalDefence Fund, which went towardsprocuring better protective gear forIndian police personnel.SINGAPORECauses related to children remainedthe focus of M1’s fund-raisingprogramme for the less privilegedsegments of the community. Besidestraditional beneficiaries such as CARE(Children-at-Risk EmpowermentAssociation), Beyond Social Servicesand the Fairy Godparent Programme,M1 also reached out to support theSingapore Children’s Society,Children’s Cancer Foundation andthe Spastic Children’s Association ofSingapore. Staff volunteers from theSunCare Club complement thecorporate programme with theirpersonal time and touch by organisingsocial activities throughout the yearfor the children from the variousorganisations that M1 supports.Theatre companies such as TheNecessary Stage and the SingaporeRepertory Theatre have been longtermpartners of M1 in its support ofthe arts in Singapore in general andin helping to nurture a more creativeand dynamic arts scene.As part of the nurturing efforts, M1also contributed to arts institutionssuch as the School of the Arts,Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts andLaSalle College of the Arts.In sports, M1 continued to supportthe Singapore Rugby Union inpopularising rugby in schools andtertiary institutions. M1 ventured intonetball for the first time by partneringNetball Singapore in its promotion ofthe game in schools and at the cluband national levels. M1 alsoparticipated in the J P MorganCorporate Challenge as a sponsorand competitor.M1’s business partners and employeeswere crucial partners in M1’s twomajor fund-raising activities as wereM1 customers who were involved inSMS donation campaigns for thebenefit of the President’s Challengeand victims of the Indonesianearthquake via Mercy Relief and theSingapore Red Cross.<strong>Axiata</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong> • 154

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