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Download - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

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A process was introduced in 2009 toidentify the corporate talent pool within theorganisation and to manage the developmentof the potential talent. A Corporate Policy isalso in place to ensure that the President &GCEO and top management successionplanning is in place.2.0 RISK ASSESSMENTRisk assessment involves the identification andanalysis by management of risk relevant to theachievement of predetermined objectives, forming abasis for determining how the risks should bemanaged. Key activities involved are as follows:2.1 Company-wide Objectives• Achievement of Goals and ObjectivesThe Board is responsible for setting thebusiness direction including a clear <strong>Group</strong>vision, mission and strategic direction, whichis communicated to employees at all levels.The Board also oversees the conduct of the<strong>Group</strong>’s operations through variousmanagement reporting mechanisms. Throughthese mechanisms, the Board is informed ofall major issues pertaining to internal control,regulatory compliance and risk taking.2.2 Risk Identification and Analysis• <strong>Group</strong> Risk Management FrameworkIn line with the Malaysian Code on CorporateGovernance, and as part of the <strong>Group</strong>’splans to further enhance the <strong>Group</strong>’s systemof internal control, the <strong>Group</strong> established in2009 a risk management function thatoversees the <strong>Group</strong>’s risk managementframework, monitors of the <strong>Group</strong>’s riskprofile, monitors the implementation of riskmitigating action plans and reviews andassesses the applicability of the controlenvironment in mitigating risk.<strong>Group</strong> Risk Management provides quarterlyconsolidated <strong>Group</strong> risk profile and mitigatingaction plans to the BAC which will then bepresented to the Board.<strong>Group</strong> Internal Audit undertakes independentreviews to ensure compliance of the <strong>Group</strong>Policies and to assess the effectiveness ofpolicy implementation.In 2010, <strong>Axiata</strong> established a separate RiskManagement Committee comprising all itsSenior Management. This committee, chairedby the Chairman of the BAC, was establishedwith the objective of having a focuseddiscussion on the <strong>Group</strong>’s risks.• Control Self Assessment (CSA)CSA is an effective tool used by the <strong>Group</strong>for improving the business’ internal controlsand business processes. It allows employeesof the <strong>Group</strong> to identify the risks involved inachieving the business objectives, toevaluate adequacy and effectiveness of thecontrols in place and activities designed tomanage those risks.2.3 Managing Change• Constantly Changing Business EnvironmentRisk management initiatives within the <strong>Group</strong>is strengthened continuously to ensure thatthe <strong>Group</strong> is able to respond effectively tothe constantly changing business environmentand thus able to protect and enhancestakeholders’ value.3.0 CONTROL ACTIVITIESControl activities are the policies, procedures andpractices that ensure management objectives areachieved and risk mitigation strategies are carriedout. Key activities within the <strong>Group</strong> are as follows:3.1 Policies and Procedures• Financial and Operational Policies andProceduresThere are documented procedures in placethat cover management accounting, financialreporting, procurement, information systemssecurity, compliance and other riskmanagement issues.Annual Report 2009 • 083

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