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Download - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

Download - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations


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41. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIESThe main risks arising from the <strong>Group</strong>’s financial assets and liabilities are foreign exchange, interest rate, credit andliquidity risk. The <strong>Group</strong>’s overall risk management seeks to minimise potential adverse effects of these risks on thefinancial performance of the <strong>Group</strong>.The <strong>Group</strong> has established risk management policies, guidelines and control procedures to manage its exposure tofinancial risks. Hedging transactions are determined in the light of commercial commitments. Derivative financialinstruments are used only to hedge underlying commercial exposures and are not held for speculative purposes.(a)Foreign Exchange RiskThe foreign exchange risk of the <strong>Group</strong> predominately arises from borrowings denominated in foreign currencies.The <strong>Group</strong> has cross-currency swaps and forward foreign exchange contracts that are primarily used to hedgeselected long term foreign currency borrowings to reduce the foreign currency exposures on these borrowings.The main currency exposure is US Dollar.The <strong>Group</strong> comprise subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates operating in foreign countries, whichgenerate revenue and incur costs denominated in foreign currencies. The main currency exposures are SingaporeDollar, Sri Lanka Rupee, Bangladesh Taka, Indian Rupee and Indonesian Rupiah as well as borrowings denominatedin US Dollar.The <strong>Group</strong>’s foreign exchange objective is to achieve the acceptable level of foreign exchange fluctuation on the<strong>Group</strong>’s assets and liabilities and manage the consequent impact to the income statements. To achieve thisobjective, the <strong>Group</strong> targets a composition of currencies based on assessment of the existing exposure anddesirable currency profile. To obtain this composition, the <strong>Group</strong> uses various types of hedging instruments suchas cross-currency swaps and forward foreign exchange contracts as well as maintaining funds in foreign currenciesat appropriate levels to support operating cash flow requirements.(b) Interest Rate RiskThe <strong>Group</strong> has cash and bank balances and deposits placed with creditworthy licensed banks and financialinstitutions. The <strong>Group</strong> manages its interest rate risk by actively monitoring the yield curve trend and interest ratemovement for the various investment classes.The <strong>Group</strong>’s debts include bank overdrafts, bank borrowings, bonds, and notes. The <strong>Group</strong>’s interest rate riskobjective is to manage the acceptable level of rate fluctuation on the interest expense. In order to achieve thisobjective, the <strong>Group</strong> targets a composition of fixed and floating debt based on assessment of its existing exposureand desirable interest rate profile. To obtain this composition, the <strong>Group</strong> uses various types of hedging instrumentssuch as interest rate swaps.Annual Report 2009 • 267

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