The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 7 127Law <strong>of</strong> Alternation. Let your awareness manifest through analternation <strong>of</strong> effort and relax, i. e. what <strong>Patanjali</strong> indicates.Continuity <strong>of</strong> consciousness can exist only when you begin tolive above and beyond the pairs <strong>of</strong> opposites, like heat andcold, happiness and unhappiness. Had not your mind startedits career with the pairs <strong>of</strong> opposites you would not have anychance <strong>of</strong> getting at the continuity <strong>of</strong> conscionsness. Just asman can keep on walking on his two legs you can grow awareand exist in continuous awareness by crossing the pairs <strong>of</strong>opposites. A road is a way to the destination but it is also adistance between you and the destination. Unless there is thegap <strong>of</strong> distance, there is no way that leads you to the goal.Cross the distance and reach the goal. <strong>The</strong> third step Asanaincludes these things.(4) <strong>The</strong> control <strong>of</strong> pulsations (Pranayama). This is whatwe have seen, the art <strong>of</strong> breathing. It is the process <strong>of</strong> regularisingpulsations until they are tranquilized. I have explained about ityesterday. This fourth step gives you the fitness to contemplate.(5) <strong>The</strong> practice <strong>of</strong> Absorption (Prathyahara). It is theart <strong>of</strong> reversing the direction <strong>of</strong> the traffic from mind to senses,from senses to objects. Hitherto the Journey was outward andnow you have to make it inward. From the objects to the senses,from the senses to the mind, from the mind to the soul- light,the Lord-consciousness you are asked to travel. This is achievedby properly practising the fourth step. Pranayama. It isautomatically achieved. <strong>The</strong> continuous process <strong>of</strong> observingrespiration, uttering SO - HAM, and uttering OM will bringabout the fifth step. Henceforth the steps <strong>of</strong> advancement arerather automatic and they require only a little effort. It is likethe work <strong>of</strong> the pilot after the aeroplane is taken <strong>of</strong>f into themidst <strong>of</strong> the winds. <strong>The</strong> attempt to lift up against gravity is nomore required. It is only to steer awareness to reach the destination

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