The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 5 81anything gratis from others is strictly prohibited in <strong>Yoga</strong> discipline.Accept any service worth 100 francs from others only afterdoing something worth 300 francs to them. <strong>The</strong>n only your training<strong>of</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> will prove fruitful. This trait is called Aparigraha (notreceiving anything) in Sanskrit. “<strong>The</strong> Path accepts no otheractivity”. This means all your activity should be included in the<strong>Yoga</strong> Training. Your food, drink, habits, conversations, socialrelationships, domestic relationships, <strong>of</strong>ficial matters andeverything should be included in your training. It is a change inattitude that makes everything included.Another accessory is to eliminate impressions about others.Generally we live in a world <strong>of</strong> impressions and we live in thename <strong>of</strong> others. Our impression about anyone makes him ourfriend, our enemy, our superior, our subordinate and our stranger.Similarly, everyone has his own impression about places,countries, nations, races, towns and villages. What you haveto do as a Yogic student is to create impressions about <strong>Yoga</strong>and develop them. Gradually your impression creation also willbe included in the Yogic activity. Your impressions about otherthings and others will find no place and they disappear. Do nottry to fight out your impressions about others. Try to makeimpressions about <strong>Yoga</strong> and all the impressions disappear.This helps you to have a constant sensation <strong>of</strong> what you practise.When you say “I am getting into the world affairs”, it means youare getting into your thoughts and not the world affairs. Get intouch with the discipline <strong>of</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>, the awareness, the ninth nature,the soul-light, the tenth aspect, Narayana etc. Live in theawareness <strong>of</strong> these things and your impressions about otherswill disappear. “Other things” do not exist to you. “No otherthing” exists as the I AM in you. This is called “Ananya” inSanskrit.<strong>The</strong> Bhagavadgita emphasizes the inevitability <strong>of</strong> theAnanya state. Your not-self is your bud-state which has to

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