The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 5 93Now let us have a clear idea <strong>of</strong> how to utter OM, thename <strong>of</strong> that Lord, and how to listen to it, how to get in touchwith the Lord, how to think <strong>of</strong> the meaning and significance <strong>of</strong>OM. <strong>The</strong> Lord shines through our vehicles and the method <strong>of</strong>getting into touch with Him is called Japa. Face to face experiencewith the Lord is made possible through the process <strong>of</strong> Japa. Itis rather intricate. What does the phrase “Face-to-face” mean?When you see others while talking you are seeing only theirfaces. When you utter OM as your own voice and begin tolisten to it, you will know the real meaning <strong>of</strong> the phrase. Howevermuch close you place your face to that <strong>of</strong> your friend or wife,they are separate, When there is a gap in the depressions <strong>of</strong>your eyes and nose, it cannot be face to-face. When one beginsto live precisely in your body according to your dimensions,then only you will live face-to-face. <strong>The</strong> one face should containthe other, while the other face should be the content <strong>of</strong> theone. This is the exact fitness <strong>of</strong> man in God. This is what youcome to know when you utter OM and listen to it. When youreturn outside from OM then people can know from your facethat you have seen God. When Mosses came down from theburning bush on the mount, his wife remarked from his facethat he had seen God. <strong>The</strong>n Mosses veiled his face. That meansthe face <strong>of</strong> the Lord in us is veiled with the flesh and skin <strong>of</strong> ourface. You should see Him shining through your face with thesame countenance, features, expressions and dimensions. <strong>The</strong>nonly He begins to live instead <strong>of</strong> yourself as your own life.A contact with Him in the above said manner removes theobstacles on your part, since His presence shines as the absence<strong>of</strong> impediments. This is what <strong>Patanjali</strong> explains next. Obstaclesexist to the mind and senses. What you notice as obstacles outsideare only your own definition <strong>of</strong> obstacles. When someone says“My circumstances are not good” it means he notices somethingbad about the circumstances that exist since the one who noticesis in the mind, the circumstances exist in the mind, and not at all

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