The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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144 Lessons on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Patanjali</strong>you bark? <strong>The</strong> dog answered, “My master is indifferent to meand I am not intend to do my duty to him”. <strong>The</strong> donkey said, “Iam a faithful servant and I will do your duty”. Saying so, thedonkey began to bellow aloud. <strong>The</strong> washerman woke up buthe never suspected the presence <strong>of</strong> a thief because it was thedog that should indicate the thing. He thought the donkeydisturbed his sleep. He thrashed the donkey black and blue.Everyone as a <strong>Yoga</strong>-student, should mind his own dutieswithout finding fault in others. If you find something wrong inthe kitchen after I left the kitchen, it is not for you to point outor complain. You are expected to set things right silently, if youcan. This should be the attitude <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Yoga</strong>-student towardsthe society. Doing the work that is presented to you causescleaning and purification <strong>of</strong> your vehicle. It is the only procedurethat can cure you <strong>of</strong> your complexes. Doing your duty on thephysical plane is the only thing that can rectify everyone. If atall there exists any other method it can clean anything in theworld except the psychological complexes. When you take itas your duty to do the work, neglected by others, withoutcomplaining, then your vehicles are fit to undergo the <strong>Yoga</strong>training.Doing something useful to the world is not for itsusefulness, but it is for your own benefit <strong>of</strong> self-purification.Benefit can be derived from anyone, not only yourself. <strong>The</strong>one who is implemented to any good work will have the benefit<strong>of</strong> getting himself purified. If you do not propose to do it, someonedoes it better. If you choose to do it, you will be benefited.This is one aspect which the <strong>Yoga</strong>-student should take notice<strong>of</strong>.<strong>The</strong> Second important thing to know is the Science <strong>of</strong>the three qualities and how they contribute to produce the variousblends in the name <strong>of</strong> temperaments. Inertia, dynamism andpoise are the three qualities that are produced by the basicnature <strong>of</strong> creation and they govern everything in the creation.

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