The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 3 49passive until there is no curiosity. Do not try to remove curiosityfrom your mind. Ignore curiosity by being aware <strong>of</strong> somethingelse. <strong>The</strong> first item makes the second one possible. Abhyasacauses Vairagya. Repeated effort to grow aware <strong>of</strong> oneselfand to observe his own activity makes his mind passive to theenvironment so that curiosity makes a total disappearance. Youshould rearrange your habits, social life and daily routine andcreate circumstances that are congenial to your work day byday. <strong>The</strong> possibilities <strong>of</strong> exposure to onslaughts <strong>of</strong> disturbanceshould be removed by selecting a place, a house, a company<strong>of</strong> friends and a routine <strong>of</strong> continuous work. Acquaintance andfriendships should be gradually rearranged and reestablished.<strong>The</strong> company <strong>of</strong> positive persons which is calledSatsangathya in Sanskrit should be made. Avoid People whoare overcritical. If they come across you do not fight or opposethem. You can say yes with a smile and easily make an escape.You can help them, you can please them (though it is next toimpossible.) But you should not entertain them. Do not getattached to them by liking or disliking. If you like them it givesattachment, if you dislike them it gives a worse attachment.Within a few weeks or months such people among your oldacquaintances will fail to find anything interesting or attractivewith you and they drop <strong>of</strong>f. In the meanwhile you can growpassive by observing yourself and locating yourself in a placethat is congenial to your practice. You can find a place whereyou are not exposed to the onslaughts. Objectively speakingsuch a thing is impossible since the activity <strong>of</strong> those who areacquainted with you cannot be controlled. Any attempt to controlit objectively creates tension between your mind and the mind<strong>of</strong> others. Circumstances appear inevitable in the objective worldwhereas in the subjective world you can grow passive andbecome the master if at all you begin to know how. Do notbegin the attempt by withdrawing yourself physically. It creates

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