The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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54 Lessons on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Patanjali</strong>be elected, to look after the Lodge. <strong>The</strong>n the Masters wenttheir own way, getting busy with their own work, leaving theirpictures in the physical Lodges. That is what had happenedwith the many spiritual organisations. <strong>The</strong>re is a necessity totake care <strong>of</strong> the form side <strong>of</strong> things, but this should be doneonly as a consequence <strong>of</strong> our awareness to the spirit <strong>of</strong> thething.Keep yourself active without becoming busy. To be busyis a psychological disease. To grow active is to grow in health.It rearranges all the forces and intelligences in you. Activitymeans self-awareness. To be busy is only an auto-suggestion(which has nothing to do with your work) and it makes yousick and fatigued with the ideas <strong>of</strong> work. We frame autosuggestionsthat we are not able to withstand the work. <strong>The</strong>process leaves you weak and sick, fed on self-pity. Eighty percent<strong>of</strong> the fatigue and neurosis among the Europeans and thewesternised Indians is only an auto-suggestion. You canconveniently remove all these things by keeping yourself activein self-awareness.Repetition is the effort to control the lower impulses. Itmakes you survive. See how the heart-beat and the respirationkeep you survive by repetition. Every minute you should makea repetition <strong>of</strong> the object <strong>of</strong> self-awareness. A new habit isestablished and the repetition needs no effort after a certaintime. <strong>Patanjali</strong> says, that the habit will be engrafted. When youkeep the branch <strong>of</strong> a tree under soil for some time, see howthe branch begins to send roots into the soil, making it anindependent tree, so that you can conveniently cut <strong>of</strong>f the branchfrom the parent tree to make it an independent plant, a parentin its own turn. This is what is called grafting and it is not likethe grafting <strong>of</strong> skin or bone in the hospital. <strong>The</strong> new habit shouldbecome independent and make you independent <strong>of</strong> the old,unprogressive habit and then cut you <strong>of</strong>f from the old habit.

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