The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 5 79is therefore, the Eternal Awareness. Its experience admits us tonotice or to possess “No second thing”. A meditational passagein Sanskrit declares : “<strong>The</strong> All pervading is the One which admitsno second thing”. During this process you will find that no otherthing, nothing <strong>of</strong> your belongings will be left. This is, what <strong>Patanjali</strong>calls “a total surrender”. It is called “Pranidhana” and the processis called Japa. Following this process by uttering OM with yourvoice and listening to your voice, you will make a total surrender.<strong>The</strong>re are some accessories which will help you and makethe path smooth. <strong>The</strong> first thing is what they call “Devotion”.<strong>The</strong> second thing is called sustained effort. <strong>The</strong> first one is calledBhakti and the second one is called Sraddha in Sanskrit. Youshould help yourself (on the plane <strong>of</strong> the not-self) by puttingforth a sustained effort with a spirit <strong>of</strong> veneration. Wheneverthere is an attempt for regularity, there will be a spirit <strong>of</strong> monotonyproduced. You should know how to keep up regularity andeliminate monotony. Try to understand the difference betweena mathematician solving a problem and a computer solving aproblem. <strong>The</strong> first process is vital and the second process ismechanical. <strong>The</strong> first one is a conscious process and belongsto the plane <strong>of</strong> mind. <strong>The</strong> second process is unconscious to thevehicle though it is conscious to the Devas who work with thevehicle. <strong>The</strong> human beings (in fact all the biological beings) livewith the help <strong>of</strong> mind, while the Devas live with the help <strong>of</strong>Dharma or the properties <strong>of</strong> matter and energies. <strong>The</strong> Devashave no mind since they do not need it. Combinations <strong>of</strong> theseDevas produce a resultant effect which we call mind and theymake it the background <strong>of</strong> the biological beings to live in. <strong>The</strong>mind has the possibility <strong>of</strong> errors while Dharma has no suchpossibility. You know that the human calculations carry errors,while the machines do not, when properly fed. As the computeris working out a problem you can very easily understand thatmillions <strong>of</strong> Devas take part in it. At the same time the wholeprocess is unconscious to the machine. Since the training <strong>of</strong>

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