The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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Lesson - 4 65ego has its centres as the lower egos, each located in the notself<strong>of</strong> every one, which serves the purpose <strong>of</strong> living until thehigher ego <strong>of</strong> his is opened in the realms <strong>of</strong> the lower self. <strong>The</strong>physical sheath which we call the physical body is fabricatedwith the earth, air, water, fire and ether <strong>of</strong> the earth plane. <strong>The</strong>yare called the five Bhutas or the five states <strong>of</strong> existence. For allpractical purposes <strong>of</strong> the lower nature we call the ninth natureby the name, God. What we call God is nothing but our ownimpression <strong>of</strong> God and not the original God. Since the impressionis formed in the lower nature, it is the higher nature (the ninthone) which serves the purpose <strong>of</strong> God from the level <strong>of</strong> personalGod to the level <strong>of</strong> God the Absolute. To remember the realGod from this God, this ninth nature is called the Mother-God,while the tenth one is called the Father. <strong>The</strong> utterance or therespiration <strong>of</strong> the tenth one forms the means <strong>of</strong> communicationand is called the Guru or the Holy Ghost. This is about thesame thing but expressed in the symbols <strong>of</strong> religion. ReligiousGod is no one but the Yogic Concept <strong>of</strong> Ishwara garbed inreligious apparel.Religious discipline is less scientific train the Yogic discipline.Religious terminology calls the soul-light our God while Yogicterminology names it as Ishwara, the Lord. So religions showus the same God and call Him our God. Since the religiousteachers had to deal with the emotional aspect (Astral Plane)<strong>of</strong> the people they have to teach about Him as my God andyour God. Yogic seers have no such obligation and hence theycall Him, Ishwara, the Lord <strong>of</strong> all, who exists in every heart.Religious teachers, take to the thankless duty <strong>of</strong> tackling theemotional aspect and scavenging humanity <strong>of</strong> the emotion.<strong>The</strong> Masters <strong>of</strong> Wisdom are there only to recruit disciples fromthe selected pupils who have prepared themselves and shownthe readiness. <strong>The</strong> religious teachers have to plunge themselvesinto the stinking world to clean the souls. Buddha was no

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