The Yoga of Patanjali

By Master E.K.

By Master E.K.


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80 Lessons on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Patanjali</strong><strong>Yoga</strong> is to rearrange the keyboard <strong>of</strong> your mind you shouldmake the process conscious. A mechanical utterance <strong>of</strong> OM is<strong>of</strong> no use. <strong>The</strong>re is no place for monotony but there is theabsolute need for regularity. Sustained effort and venerationsupply the required commodity, devotion. If you are not conscious<strong>of</strong> this, you know what happens? As you begin to follow theYogic discipline, after two or three months it becomes a monotonyand you will lose all interest. This is the inevitable fate <strong>of</strong> allthose who imitate and all those who start the <strong>Yoga</strong> practice tosatisfy their idle curiosity. Curiosity does not sustain long becauseit is a craving for change. When we lose interest we may stoppractising <strong>Yoga</strong> or we may continue it like a dead machinewhere there is activity without progress. Sustained effort witha spirit <strong>of</strong> veneration becomes a necessary accessory.<strong>The</strong> second accessory is to apply all your available energiesand resources in the required directions. Energies are beingsupplied by nature to us every moment and they are beingdissipated through the various chasms <strong>of</strong> curiosity and desire.Time flows like a continuous river into the tube <strong>of</strong> our span withmany holes. <strong>The</strong> river continues to flow while people die in it.Many times the Time Eternal feeds the bottomless basins <strong>of</strong>millions <strong>of</strong> spans. <strong>The</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> a Yogic student is to apply thegiven energies in the direction <strong>of</strong> uttering the syllable, enteringinto it, and living, himself as the syllable. Does this mean youhave to stop all the daily activity to practise <strong>Yoga</strong>? Many peopleunderstood it in that way and took a pious retreat into the foreststo see nothing but wild animals and venomous insects. ‘<strong>The</strong>Science <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Seven Rays’ is given by the Masters to understandthe direction <strong>of</strong> energies that flow into you and the mode <strong>of</strong>application <strong>of</strong> these energies towards total awareness. All youractivity including your vocation, domestic duties and social duties,should be included in the process <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Yoga</strong> training. If theyare excluded, then someone has to feed you. You will be a monkor a beggar who has to depend on others for livelihood. Accepting

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