Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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ABstrACts<br />

ABstrACts<br />

1221<br />

THE USEFUlnESS oF Pram SCorE in aSSESSing THE SEVEriTY anD oUTComE oF an aCUTE EXaCErBaTion oF WHEEZE<br />

in CHilDrEn<br />

nagaraju, m. K. , r, D. , n, s. and r, g.<br />

Pediatric allergy and immunology, Kanchi Kamakoti CHilDs trust Hospital, Chennai, india.<br />

Background:<br />

Clinical scores are valuable tools to assess asthma severity in children. Among the available scores the Pediatric respiratory<br />

Assessment measure (PrAm) score is very useful one .<br />

aims of study:<br />

to study the usefulness of PrAm score in assessing the severity and outcome of an acute exacerbation of wheeze in children aged<br />

1-17yrs.to identify the PrAm score predicting the need for hospitalization and iCU care. Period of study:<br />

August 2008 to Dec 2009<br />

Study design:<br />

this is a prospective cohort study<br />

Sample size:<br />

127 children was calculated based on the pilot study from the initial 20 children. Assuming an alpha error of 5% and 80% power.<br />

methodology :<br />

Children diagnosed to have asthma based on ginA guidelines 2008 came with acute exacerbation of wheeze were enrolled in the<br />

study ,had PrAm scores done at admission and following each treatment administered in the Er. All children were triaged and<br />

treated as mild, moderate, severe exacerbation and appropriate treatment was given in the emergency room and the outcome<br />

was recorded. statistical Analysis done using sPss – 15 version. relationship between admission scores and the outcome<br />

were evaluated using paired t tests and one way AnOVA f test. receiver operator curve analysis(rOC)was used to identify score<br />

predicting admission and need for iCU care.<br />

results :<br />

Of the 127 children 52% were aged 1 - 3 years, 27.6% between the ages of 3 – 6 years and 20.4% between the ages of 6 - 17<br />

years . the mean PrAm scores at admission and discharge in all the 3 age groups was 7.3 and 4.1 respectively ,this difference is<br />

statistically significant. rOC score of 5.5 and above had 89% sensitivity and 64% specificity for admission.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

PrAm scores is a useful score to assess asthma severity in children and a score of 6 predicted the need for hospitalization and<br />

score of 9 predicted the need for iCU care .<br />

PoSTEr SESSion 1-3: asthma epidemiology and mechanisms<br />

1300<br />

rElaTion oF PErimEnSTrUal aSTHma WiTH DiSEaSE SEVEriTY anD oTHEr allErgiC Co-morBiDiTiES-THE FirST<br />

rEPorT oF PErimEnSTrUal aSTHma PrEValEnCE in SaUDi araBia<br />

sabry, E. Y.<br />

Chest OPD- internal medicine, saudi german Hospital, riyadh, saudi Arabia.<br />

Background: Perimenstrual asthma (PmA) has been documented in 30% to 40% of asthmatic women; however, there have been<br />

few epidemiological investigations of PmA in practice.<br />

objectives: in this study, we analyzed PmA prevalence and relation to disease severity based on direct questions carried out in taif-<br />

KsA and compared the results with those of studies reported previously.<br />

results: the prevalence of PmA and its’ relation to asthma severity and to other allergic co-morbidities were studied. Prevalence<br />

was 8.2% and asthma severity was found to be significantly related to PmA (p

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