Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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ABstrACts<br />

3321<br />

aSSoCiaTion BETWEEn THE oVErWEigHT anD allErgiC DiSEaSES in SCHool agE CHilD PoPUlaTion oF TBiliSi<br />

Kherkheulidze, m. , Kavlashvili, n. , Kandelaki, E. and Adamia, n.<br />

Pediatrics, state medical University, tbilisi, georgia.<br />

the study aims evaluation of relationship between Bmi indices and allergic disorders. Cross-sectional study was conducted<br />

through questioning of the random and representative groups of school age child population in tbilisi. in addition spirometry and<br />

measurement of weight was conducted. A written, self-completed questionnaire modified from the isAAC core questionnaire<br />

concerning symptoms and Bmi-per-age cut-off points based on WHO standard reference were used. Overweight status was<br />

defined as a Bmi greater than the age- and gender-specific 85th percentile. At all 1026 children from 10-14 years old were involved<br />

in study. the study reveled that Bmi was more then 85 % in 28, 1 % cases. 19.3% children reported a physician-diagnosed allergic<br />

disease, and 28.6% reported undiagnosed allergic symptoms the Overweight subjects more frequently reported ever having<br />

wheezing (27.7 vs. 16.2%, p

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