Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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POstErs<br />

POstErs<br />

WAO IntErnAtIOnAl ScIEntIfIc cOnfErEncE<br />

Asthma and Co-morbid Conditions: Expanding the Practice of <strong>Allergy</strong> for Optimal Patient Care<br />

2108<br />

EXPrESSion oF il-17a anD il-17F CYToKinES in B lYmPHoCYTES<br />

A. Vazquez tello, Ph.D. 1 , r. Halwani, msc;, Ph.D 2 , r. li, Ph.D. 3 , A. Bar-Or, mD 4 , B. mazer, mD 5 , s. Al-muhsen, mD, FrCPC, FAAP 6 and<br />

Q. Hamid, mD, PhD 7<br />

1 College of Medicine, Asthma Research Chair and Prince Naif center for Immunology Research, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi<br />

Arabia. 2 Asthma Research Chair and Prince Naif Center for Immunological Research, College of Medicine, King Saud University.,<br />

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 3 Montreal Neurological Institute and McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 4 5 Montreal Neurological Institute<br />

and McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 5 Meakins-Christie Laboratories and Respiratory Division, Department of Medicine,<br />

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 6 Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, King Saud University. 7 McGill University,<br />

Meakins-Christie Laboratories, Montreal, QC, Canada.<br />

2109<br />

CaSE rEPorT oF rElaPSing PolYCHonDriTiS in CHilDrEn<br />

B. setiabudiawan1 , s. F. Boesoerie2 , r. g. D. majangsari1 , g. sapartini1 and D. rosifah1 1 2 Child Health, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck, Padjadjaran University, Bandung,<br />

Indonesia.<br />

2110<br />

PEriPHEral EoSinoPHilia<br />

m. restrepo 1 , s. Diez 1 , J. sanchez 1 , C. Chinchilla 2 and r. Cardona 3<br />

1 Allergology, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. 2 University of Antioquia - Grupo de Alergología Clínica y Experimental<br />

(GACE), Medellin, Colombia. 3 University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.<br />

13:00 - 14:15 PO2-2: Drug and food allergy sheikh rashid F<br />

To view full abstracts from this session, please reference pages 123-132 of the ‘Abstracts’ section in this program.<br />

Chairpersons: suleiman Al Hamadi<br />

sandra gonzález-Díaz<br />

2200<br />

PoTEnTial aDVErSE rEaCTionS From ComPlEmEnTarY anD alTErnaTiVE mEDiCinE (Cam) anD DiETarY SUPPlEmEnT<br />

(DS) in norTH amEriCa<br />

H. C. g. Wong, mD, FrCPC, FACP, FAAAAi, FCCP<br />

Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia & Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada.<br />

2201<br />

inTErim FinDingS From ESTaBliSHing THE EFFECTiVEnESS, CoST-EFFECTiVEnESS anD SaFETY oF oral anD<br />

SUBlingUal immUnoTHEraPY For FooD allErgY: a SYSTEmaTiC rEViEW<br />

U. nurmatov 1 , g. Devereux 2 and A. sheikh 1<br />

1 <strong>Allergy</strong> & Respiratory Research Group, Centre for Population Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United<br />

Kingdom. 2 Department of Child Health, Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.<br />

2202<br />

CiSPlaTin aDminiSTraTion FolloWing aCUTE HYPErSEnSiTiViTY To oTHEr PlaTinUm ComPoUnDS: a PHaSE ii STUDY<br />

E. syrigou, n. makrilia, K. Politi, g. Kaklamanos, l. manolopoulos and K. n. syrigos<br />

Oncology Unit, 3rd Department of Medicine, Sotiria General Hospital, Athens School of Medicine, Greece, Athens, Greece.<br />

2203<br />

FooD allErgY anD aToPiC DErmaTiTiS<br />

A. Hekmatdoost Jr.<br />

Dep Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.<br />

2204<br />

CliniCal CHaraCTEriSTiCS oF raniTiDinE inDUCED HYPErSEnSiTiViTY<br />

Y. J. Cho<br />

<strong>Allergy</strong> and Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University Mockdong Hospital, Seoul, South Korea.<br />

www.worldallergy.org 66<br />

FinAl PrOgrAm

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