Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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POstErs<br />

POstErs<br />

WAO IntErnAtIOnAl ScIEntIfIc cOnfErEncE<br />

Asthma and Co-morbid Conditions: Expanding the Practice of <strong>Allergy</strong> for Optimal Patient Care<br />

3109<br />

THE rolE oF EXTErnal PHYSiCal ForCES in TriggEring THE allErgiC rEaCTionS<br />

r. r. Athota, Dr1 , r. r. K. reddy, Dr2 , K. B. neerupudi, mr1 and r. A. sam, Dr3 1 2 3 Biochemsitry, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. Department of Physics, S K University, Anantapur, India. Internal Medicine,<br />

Christian Medical College, Vellore, India.<br />

3110<br />

THE STaTiSTiCS TaKE iT all: ComParaTiVE analYSiS oF THE gEnomiC BaCKgroUnD oF CHilDHooD aSTHma in<br />

CaUCaSian PoPUlaTion<br />

E. Hadadi 1 , i. Ungvari 1 , V. Virag 1 , Z. nemeth 2 , g. Hullam 3 , P. Antal 3 , A. Falus 1 and C. szalai 1<br />

1 Genetics, Cell and Immunbiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary. 2 Csertex Kft, Budapest, Hungary. 3 Department of<br />

Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.<br />

3111<br />

PrEValanCE oF HUman-mETaPnUEmoVirUS inFECTion in WHEEZY aDmiTTED CHilDrEn<br />

s. Alyasin Jr. 1 and A. moatari2 1 2 Pediatric, Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz, Iran. Influenza Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Science,<br />

Shiraz, Iran.<br />

3112<br />

SEroPrEValEnCE oF aniSaKiaSiS analiSYS rESiDEnTS From “alDEa DE PESCaDorES” ToWn, PUErTo la CrUZ,<br />

anZoaTEgUi 2010<br />

m. naime, Estudiante, m. sofia and P. Elizabeth<br />

Escuela De Ciencias De La Salud, Universidad de oriente, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.<br />

3113<br />

EFFECTS oF VarioUS rESPiraTorY VirUSES on DEr F-SEnSiTiZED moUSE moDEl oF aSTHma<br />

H. H. Kim, Y. H. Chun, J. s. Yoon, J. t. Kim and J. s. lee<br />

Pediatrics, The Catholic University of Korea, Pucheon-si, South Korea.<br />

3114<br />

igg4 aS THE PrEDominanT aUToanTiBoDY in SEra From PaTiEnTS WiTH aCTiVE STaTE oF PEmPHigUS VUlgariS<br />

m. Entezam1 and m. Ayatollahi2 1 2 Genetic Department, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz , Iran. Transplant Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical<br />

Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.<br />

9:30 – 10:30 PO3-2: immunotherapy sheikh rashid F<br />

To view full abstracts from this session, please reference pages 145-151 of the ‘Abstracts’ section in this program.<br />

Chairpersons: nasser Al-Ahmed<br />

glenis scadding<br />

3200<br />

EFFiCaCY oF SUB-lingUal immUnoTHEraPY in PollEn allErgiC aSTHma<br />

A. Khoury, r. Al-Fadel and K. sawas<br />

Chest Diseases, Aleppo Faculty of Medicine, Aleppo, Syria.<br />

3201<br />

SaFETY anD EFFiCaCY oF CarBamYlaTED monomEriC DErmaToPHagoiDES allErgoiD DEPoT FormUlaTion giVEn BY<br />

SUBCUTanEoUS roUTE<br />

P. Fancello1 , i. Atzeni1 , m. Bruno2 and P. Falagiani3 1 2 Allergology Service, “San Gavino Monreale” Hospital - ASL 6, Sanluri (CR), Italy. Medical Service, Lofarma S.p.A., Milan, Italy.<br />

3Scientific Direction, Lofarma S.p.A., Milan, Italy.<br />

3202<br />

CliniCal EFFiCaCY oF SUBCUTanEoUS immUnoTHEraPY giVEn aS a SinglE anD miXTUrE oF TWo non-CroSS<br />

rEaCTiVE allErgEnS in PaTiEnT WiTH SEaSonal allErgiC rHiniTiS<br />

n. A. Arifhodzic, mD, PhD<br />

Department of <strong>Allergy</strong> Clinical Immunology, Kuwait <strong>Allergy</strong> Centre, Kuwait city, Kuwait.<br />

www.worldallergy.org 72<br />

FinAl PrOgrAm

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