Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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ABstrACts<br />

effective diagnosis and efficacious immunotherapy of millions of patients of respiratory allergy in our country. it is recommended<br />

that this purified protein may be used as a reference reagent for quality control of commercially available mosquito WBE.<br />

reference:<br />

1. Kausar mA, Vijayan VK, Bansal sK, Vermani m and Agarwal mK. isolation and purification of a 24 kd major allergen of Culex<br />

quinquefasciatus whole body extract. Annals of <strong>Allergy</strong>, Asthma and immunology 2009;102:23.<br />

1107<br />

PrEValEnCE oF aSTHma in ElEmEnTarY SCHool STUDEnTS aFTEr an oil lEaK in THE WESTErn CoaST oF KorEa<br />

Jee, Y. 1 , Kim, K. 1 , Kim, D. 1 , Kim, Y. 1 , Park, J. 1 , Jeong, W. 2 , Hur, J. 2 , Jung, s. 3 and roh, s. 3<br />

1 2 internal medicine, Dankook University College of medicine, Cheonan, south Korea. taean institute of Environmental Health, taean,<br />

south Korea. 3Occupational and Environmental medicine, Dankook University College of medicine, Cheonan, south Korea.<br />

objective<br />

the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the exposure to oil leak on pulmonary function and prevalence of asthma in<br />

the elementary school students in taean, where were located in the western coast of republic of Korea and exposed to offshore oil<br />

leak on December 7th , 2007<br />

Subjects and methods<br />

Of 662 eligible students, 477 (72.1%) subjects who agreed to and completed the health assessment were enrolled on June 2009.<br />

A Questionnaire developed by the international study of Asthma and Allergic diseases in Children (issAC) was modified and used.<br />

methacholine bronchial provocation tests (mBPt) were performed in 109 (22.9%) subjects who reported asthmatic symptoms in<br />

the questionnaire. Participants were stratified into two exposure groups (high vs. low). general characteristics and asthma-related<br />

symptoms, and prevalence of asthma were compared.<br />

results<br />

there were no statistically significant differences in sex, age, Bmi, and family history of asthma between the two groups. the<br />

number of children who was previously diagnosed asthma, began wheezing after oil leak or had current asthma symptoms was<br />

significantly higher in the high-exposure group than that in the low-exposure group (previously diagnosed asthma; 20.6% vs<br />

11.6%, P=0.008, wheezing after the oil leak; 6.7% vs 1.0%, P=0.01, current asthma symptoms; 30.6% vs 18.6%, P=0.00). FEV1 was significantly lower in the high-exposure group than that in the low-exposure group (82.6±10.8% vs 85.2±10.3%, P=0.01).<br />

those who showed positive (PC20°Â16mg/ml) response in the bronchial provocation test was significantly higher in the highexposure<br />

group than that in the low-exposure group (18.2% vs 7.6%, P=0.00). logistic regression on asthma indicated increased<br />

odds for male (Or: 1.88, 95%Ci: 1.04-3.41), children with family history of asthma (Or: 4.02, 95%Ci: 1.38-11.71), and highexposure<br />

group (Or: 3.26, 95%Ci: 1.79-5.92) adjusting for age, sex, and Bmi.<br />

Conclusion<br />

the study suggest that exposure to oil leak can be a risk factor in the development of asthma in elementary school students<br />

although the causality is not certain. Follow-up studies and further analyses with biologic exposure index will elucidate the<br />

relationship between oil leak and asthma.<br />

1108<br />

PrEValEnCE oF CHroniC oBSTrUCTiVE PUlmonarY DiSEaSE anD iTS aSSoCiaTion WiTH ToBaCCo SmoKing anD<br />

EnVironmEnTal ToBaCCo SmoKE EXPoSUrE among rUral PoPUlaTion<br />

B g, P. 1 , Huliraj, n. 2 , s P, P. K. 1 , B m, r. 1 , Dr, g. 1 , n r, r. m. 1 and C r, s. B. 3<br />

1 2 Department of Community medicine, Kempegowda institute of medical sciences, Bangalore, india. Department of thoracic<br />

medicine, Kempegowda institute of medical sciences, Bangalore, india. 3Department of radiology, Kempegowda institute of medical<br />

sciences, Bangalore, india.<br />

Background: the prevalence of COPD is increasing in india. Only few studies have been conducted in rural areas of india to find<br />

out the prevalence of COPD and its relationship with tobacco smoking, environmental tobacco smoke (Ets) exposure and type of<br />

cooking fuel used. Hence the present study was undertaken with the following objectives:i)<br />

to find out the prevalence of COPD in adult subjects of 35 years and above.<br />

ii) to determine the tobacco smoking, Ets exposure and type of cooking fuel used as an associated risk factor with COPD.<br />

material and methods: Field survey was conducted for COPD epidemiology in the rural field practice area of Kempegowda institute<br />

of medical sciences, Bangalore, india which covers a population of 44,387 residing in 71 villages using cluster sampling technique<br />

with the help of previously validated and standardized translated kannada (local language) version questionnaire for diagnosis of<br />

COPD among subjects of age 35 years and above. spirometry was performed to all those who gave positive response to COPD and<br />

www.worldallergy.org 81<br />

FinAl PrOgrAm<br />


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