Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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mOnDAY, 6 DECEmBEr 2010<br />

WAO IntErnAtIOnAl ScIEntIfIc cOnfErEncE<br />

Asthma and Co-morbid Conditions: Expanding the Practice of <strong>Allergy</strong> for Optimal Patient Care<br />

sCiEntiFiC PrOgrAm—mOnDAY, 6 DECEmBEr 2010<br />

8:00 – 10:00 PlEnarY SESSion 1 Sheikh rashid E<br />

Update on asthma and lower airway co-morbidities<br />

learning objectives:<br />

• to provide an overview of recent advances in asthma pathophysiology and treatment<br />

• to show the relationship of lower airway co-morbidities to asthma severity and control<br />

• to review new approaches to treatments directed toward lower airway co-morbidities<br />

Chairpersons: Hassan Alrayes<br />

Ali Ben Kheder<br />

Ashok shah<br />

08:00 Welcoming remarks<br />

08:05 Epidemiology and risk factors for asthma and CoPD |

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