Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization

Dubai Final-v20.indd - World Allergy Organization


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POstErs<br />

WAO IntErnAtIOnAl ScIEntIfIc cOnfErEncE<br />

Asthma and Co-morbid Conditions: Expanding the Practice of <strong>Allergy</strong> for Optimal Patient Care<br />

Wednesday, 8 December 2010 – Poster Session 3<br />

9:30 – 10:30 PO3-1: immune mechanisms of allergy sheikh rashid F<br />

To view full abstracts from this session, please reference pages 139-145 of the ‘Abstracts’ section in this program.<br />

Chairpersons: robert lemanske<br />

Jung Wong Park<br />

3100<br />

an UnUSUal PrESEnTaTion oF PUlmonarY maSS liKE lESionS SEConDarY To an allErgiC CaUSE<br />

m. rafique, Pulmonologist and B. mahboub, Head, of, Pulmonary, medicine<br />

Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Rashid Hospital, <strong>Dubai</strong>, United Arab Emirates.<br />

3101<br />

ForgoTTEn ParaSiTES in allErgY PraCTiCE<br />

P. Kumar, mD<br />

Medicine, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA.<br />

3102<br />

CHaraCTEriSTiCS oF rHinoVirUS-inDUCED PBmC immUnE rESPonSES in aSTHmaTiCS, From inFanCY To aDUlTHooD<br />

i. Katsuhito 1 , t. Katsunuma 1 , H. saito, mD, PhD, Director 2 and K. matsumoto, mD, PhD, laboratory, Head 2<br />

1 Pediatrics, Jikei University, school of medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 2 Laboratory for allergy, Department of <strong>Allergy</strong> and Immunology,<br />

National Research Institute for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan.<br />

3103<br />

CUrCUmin maY inHiBiTS T CEll aCTiVaTion THroUgH STorE-oPEraTED Ca2+ EnTrY CHannElS anD K+ CHannElS<br />

W. K. Kim, Doctor1 and J. H. nam2 1 2 Asthma & <strong>Allergy</strong>, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Goyang, South Korea. Physiology, Dongguk University collage of medicine,<br />

Kyung Ju, South Korea.<br />

3104<br />

nano-SiZED WElDing FUmE inCrEaSES inFlammaTorY CYToKinES, aPoPToSiS anD g2 arrEST in HUman T CEll linE<br />

Y. m. Chiung 1 , P. s. liu 2 , Y. Y. Chen 2 , J. B. lin 1 and C. J. tsai 3<br />

1 Division of Medicine, Institute of Occupational Safety & Health, Taipei County, Taiwan. 2 Department of Microbiology, Soochow<br />

University, Taipei, Taiwan. 3 Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu.<br />

3105<br />

THE EFFiCaCY oF a naSal anTiHiSTaminE oloPaTaDinE For THE TrEaTmEnT oF SEroUS oTiTiS mEDia in CHilDrEn<br />

s. nsouli, m, D.<br />

Asthma and <strong>Allergy</strong>, DANVILLE ASTHMA AND ALLERGY CLINIC, DANVILLE, CALIFORNIA, USA, Danville, CA.<br />

3106<br />

ComBinaTion oF a naSal anTiHiSTaminE oloPaTaDinE anD a naSal CorTiCoSTEroiD, momETaSonE For THE<br />

TrEaTmEnT oF SEaSonal allErgiC rHiniTiS PaTiEnTS noT CUrrEnTlY ConTrollED on monoTHEraPY inTranaSal<br />

anTiHiSTaminE or inTranaSal CorTiCoSTEroiD<br />

s. nsouli, mD, AnD, sEniOr, CliniCAl, rEsEArCH, AssOCiAtE<br />

Asthma and <strong>Allergy</strong>, DANVILLE ASTHMA AND ALLERGY CLINIC, CALIFORNIA, USA, Danville, CA.<br />

3107<br />

EXPErimEnTallY UnraVEling THE aToPiC marCH<br />

m. s. Wilson, PhD<br />

Molecular Immunology, NIMR, MRC, London, United Kingdom.<br />

3108<br />

a noVEl rolE For THE ComPlEmEnT rEgUlaTor CD46 in EPiTHElial TigHT JUnCTion FormaTion/rEgUlaTion<br />

s. t. Al-shouli1 and C. Kemper2 1 2 Clinical Immunology and <strong>Allergy</strong>., King’s College London Guy’s and S’t Thomas’ Hospital, London, United Kingdom. MRC Centre for<br />

Transplantation, London, United Kingdom.<br />

www.worldallergy.org 71<br />

FinAl PrOgrAm<br />


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