COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission


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Communications Sector<br />

IV. Development Programmes for the 7FYPIV. Development Programmes for the 7FYP<br />

Print and Broadcasting MediaPrint and Broadcasting Media<br />

16.34 There were 6 hours of broadcasting at the end of the 6FYP. Transmission hours will be increased by one<br />

hour every year for the first four years of the plan. In the final year of the 7FYP, transmission hours will be<br />

increased by 2 hours. This will bring the total number of transmission hours to 12 hours every day. Dzongkha and<br />

English programmes will receive more broadcasting time, although greater airtime will be allotted to Sharchop and<br />

Lhotsham (Nepali) programmes. However, programme expansion in terms of airtime will have to be curtailed if it<br />

is not possible to develop the institutional capability of the BBS to a corresponding degree. The Bhutan<br />

Broadcasting Services will also distribute inexpensive radio sets at nominal costs in remote areas to promote radio<br />

listening.<br />

16.35 Although the national weekly newspaper, Kuensel will continue to be produced on a weekly basis, the<br />

content and volume will be increased for all three editions. In terms of content, greater emphasis will be given to<br />

national news supplied by Kuensel's Dzongkhag stringers. Towards the latter half of the 7FYP, the Dzongkha<br />

edition will carry 20 pages, English editions 20 pages and Nepali editions will carry 12 pages. To provide for this<br />

proposed expansion, equipment for desk top publishing, photography sections, news library etc. will be acquired.<br />

16.36 The construction of a Development Centre for the DSCD, for which designs have been prepared, will be<br />

undertaken if donor funding becomes available. Otherwise, there will be no major capital expenditures for the<br />

DSCD but the Division will continue to provide the usual services to agencies and private sector.<br />

Postal ServicesPostal Services<br />

16.37 The speed and reliability of mail transport will be improved through the introduction of 10 mail vans in a<br />

phased manner. At present the Department uses passenger bus services operated by private transporters, in addition<br />

to Government runners in the more remote areas. The private bus services have serious drawbacks in that the bus<br />

owners' priority is carriage of passengers and goods, and this determines the bus schedules. In some areas the<br />

volume of mail is so great that private carriers are unable to transport all the mail. Thus the postal service is<br />

unreliable. In addition, the transport of mail bags is insecure as they are transported on the top of buses with other<br />

baggage and the mail often is damaged in transit. Expedited mail services and airmail services will be started at the<br />

beginning of 7FYP using Druk-Air services. Electronic mail services will be introduced in post offices where there<br />

is sufficient demand for such services. The capability of the Philatelic Unit will be enhanced to design, produce and<br />

market stamps and thus generate more revenue.<br />

Civil Wireless ServicesCivil Wireless Services<br />

16.38 Until the telephone services are inter-connected and unified into a single network, the wireless services will<br />

remain the most important form of communication in Dzongkhags. An additional 5 wireless stations will be<br />

established and 40 sets of equipment will be replaced.<br />

TelecommunicationsTelecommunications<br />

16.39 Work on microwave routes and exchanges will be carried out in the following order (see Map 16.1<br />

Microwave Transmission Network):<br />

Route 1: Thimphu-Tongsa-Jakar-Mongar-Tashigang microwave link with exchanges at Tongsa, Jakar, Mongar<br />

and Tashigang<br />

Route 2: Tongsa-Shemgang-Geylegphug-Damphu microwave link with exchanges at Shemgang, Geylegphug<br />

and Damphu<br />

Route 3: Tashigang-Pema Gatshel-Samdrup Jongkhar microwave link with exchanges at Samdrup Jongkhar<br />

and Pema Gatshel<br />

Route 4: Thimphu-Paro-Haa-Chimakoti-Phuntsholing-Samchi microwave link with exchanges at Paro,<br />

Chimakoti, Haa, Phuntsholing and Samchi<br />

Route 5: Thimphu-Punakha-Wangdi microwave link with exchanges at Punakha and Wangdi.<br />

16.40 The first three routes will be completed by 1994 and other routes by 1997. These five microwave routes<br />

will provide for transmission to 16 of the 18 Dzongkhags as well as the town of Phuntsholing. The two remaining<br />


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