COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission


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Approach to Development<br />

3.19 The formulation of the overall approach to development and strategies for achieving the objectives, and<br />

their transformation into sectoral and macro plans began almost two and half years before the plan began i.e. in<br />

January 1990. A time table on planning process was agreed by the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> Secretariat, Ministries<br />

and Departments, Zones and other agencies. By January 1990, the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> Secretariat had circulated<br />

policy guidelines and provisional budgets to the Ministries, Departments, and other agencies of the government.<br />

The guidelines incorporated the recommendations of Mid-term Review of the 6th Plan undertaken in October 1989<br />

and were further expanded by the sector Ministries before they were finally circulated to the zonal authorities who<br />

coordinated the dzongkhag planning process.<br />

3.20 To formulate the dzongkhag plans, a broad process of consultation took place with Dzongkhag Yargay<br />

Tshogchung. People's views on the needs, opportunities and economic potential of their dzongkhag were obtained.<br />

The dialogue during the planning process was important for responding to the people's priorities but also to obtain<br />

their commitment to the success of projects and programmes through their contribution of resources such as labour<br />

for construction and maintenance of infrastructure.<br />

3.21 Based on the priorities identified, Dzongkhag plans were prepared and submitted to all Departments and<br />

Ministries. The proposals were integrated into sectoral plans and revised in the light of constraints such as<br />

manpower, equipment, etc. The finalised plans were then submitted to the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> Secretariat for<br />

prioritisation and integration into a national Plan, with close liaison with Ministries and Departments. The<br />

Ministerial budget requests were aggregated by the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> and reduced to match resource<br />

projections. The Technical Committee of Planning <strong>Commission</strong> and Policy and Planning Divisions of the<br />

Ministries reviewed the draft document to arrive at broad level of consistency. Once the sectoral budgets were<br />

agreed, the dzongkhag plans were revised accordingly and reviewed by His Majesty the King with the people in<br />

each dzongkhag.<br />

V. Implementation and Monitoring of the Plan<br />

3.22 Even for the functions performed directly by the Government, the Plan cannot aim to act as a rigid five-year<br />

blueprint, but rather a means of securing consensus on objectives and priorities, and of developing consistent<br />

strategies to achieve these objectives. The Plan provides a framework for the policies to be followed and for the<br />

allocation of resources during the Plan period. However it is not possible to provide for all changing circumstances<br />

in the Plan, and adjustment will have to be made where necessary during the course of the Plan. This will be<br />

achieved largely through the annual budgets, with close liaison between the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> and the<br />

Ministry of Finance to ensure that the budget reflects Plan priorities. The 7FYP has been prepared in a consultative<br />

manner, and similar procedures will be involved in the monitoring and updating of the Plan during its<br />

implementation.<br />

3.23 In addition to the annual budget exercise, other improvements are being made to the planning capabilities<br />

of the Royal Government. For example, the Planning <strong>Commission</strong> was reorganised towards the end of the 7FYP,<br />

and Policy and Planning Divisions (PPDs) were established in all Ministries. In addition the data collection and<br />

monitoring capacity of the Royal Government and in particular, the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO), will be<br />

strengthened during the 7FYP, through absorption of Statistical Units from other Ministries and Departments, to<br />

improve the coordination of data collection and analysis. The Computer Support Centre will be similarly<br />

strengthened through training and equipment, and will be responsible for providing technical support to user<br />

Departments and establishing computer Local Area Networks to enhance coordination and exchange of<br />

information between and within Departments. The <strong>National</strong> Environment Secretariat will be responsible for<br />

ensuring that all Ministries pay sufficient attention to environmental issues in their programmes. (see Chapter 21)<br />

3.24 The outlook for the economy in the 7FYP is discussed in Chapter 7, including forecasts of growth and<br />

identification of those sectors with greatest potential. Based on these forecasts, RGOB expenditure and revenue<br />

targets are also presented. The allocation of Government funds based on the objectives outlined in this Chapter<br />

will also be summarised. The following three Chapters provide more details of RGOB strategies on the<br />

environment, the involvement of women in development and privatisation.<br />


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