COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission

COUNTRY BACKGROUND - Gross National Happiness Commission


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distribution under the Social Forestry Programme of the Forestry Department.<br />

Research and DevelopmentResearch and Development<br />

Renewable Natural Resources<br />

17.76 The present research activities will be continued and strengthened following the Review of the RNR<br />

Research programme.<br />

ExtensionExtension<br />

17.77 Through the Extension Sub Division, the DAH will continue to provide technical support to the Dzongkhag<br />

extension and farmer training programme.<br />

Forestry Sector Development ProgrammesForestry Sector Development Programmes<br />

17.78 During the 6FYP, the DoF implemented a conservation oriented programme, with emphasis on collection of<br />

data, development of management plans and reafforestation of degraded areas. Efforts were made to involve<br />

communities in forestry projects and activities, however there has been insufficient understanding of farmer's needs<br />

and local forest uses and social organisations. The DoF recognises the importance of involving communities in<br />

forestry activities and this will be the major strategy for the 7FYP.<br />

17.79 The collection and analysis of data will continue and will be integrated into a Geographical Information<br />

System to provide the basis for management plans and land use planning in general. The Master Plan for Forestry<br />

Development will be finalised during the 7FYP to provide guidelines for future developments in the forestry<br />

subsector.<br />

AfforestationAfforestation<br />

17.80 The afforestation programme will continue to be implemented with a target of 2,500 ha per annum. The<br />

programme has two aims: to improve soil and water conservation and to meet the forest product requirements of<br />

the population. The Department will endeavour to increase community participation in the programme through the<br />

Social Forestry programme. The Afforestation Division will assume responsibility for the Seed Storage Centre from<br />

the Research Division to improve the collection and storage of seeds for distribution under the afforestation<br />

programme.<br />

17.81 The MPFD has analyzed the areas of degraded land that require rehabilitation measures and have found that<br />

in some areas soil and water conservation improvements can only achieved through reintroducing forest cover.<br />

However of the 230,000 ha identified as degraded, only 32% require afforestation, while the remaining 68% of<br />

degraded land can be converted to agricultural land, 5-7% for agroforestry, 12-15% for wood production by<br />

communities and private farmers, 1-2% to other activities such as mining, industry residential areas and the<br />

remaining area could be incorporated in management units of protected areas.<br />

Forest ProtectionForest Protection<br />

17.82 The Forest Protection Programme will have 2 components: fire prevention, and insect and disease control:<br />

(i) Fire Prevention activities during the 6FYP were able to reduce the incidence of forest fires,<br />

through extension and publicity. These activities will be continued and expanded during the<br />

7FYP.<br />

(ii) Insect and Disease Control The Department successfully controlled a bark beetle epidemic in<br />

Western Bhutan during the 6FYP and has been able to develop its skills in this area. A<br />

Protection Cell has been created in the Research Division and will continue to provide support<br />

for disease control activities.<br />

Forest ManagementForest Management<br />

17.83 During the 7FYP, efforts will be made to develop management plans for as many areas as possible. These<br />

management plans will allow the sustainable utilisation of forests by communities and commercial enterprises<br />

where appropriate. The Forest Resource Management Division will be strengthened through additional staff, staff<br />

training, computerisation of data processing and further improvements in the Photointerpretation Cell.<br />


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