POST SCRIPTUM English__ Feb 2021

POST SCRIPTUM - Independent MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE & ARTS - English version. POST SCRIPTUM - Niezależne pismo artystyczno-literackie tworzone przez polsko-brytyjski zespół entuzjastów, artystów i dziennikarzy. Zapraszamy do lektury.

POST SCRIPTUM - Independent MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE & ARTS - English version.
POST SCRIPTUM - Niezależne pismo artystyczno-literackie tworzone przez polsko-brytyjski zespół entuzjastów, artystów i dziennikarzy. Zapraszamy do lektury.


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Dear Readers,<br />

Unfortunately, we are still pandemically confused and frustrated,<br />

we glide through life without mindfulness or deliberation. Living in<br />

a fast--paced world, focused on trivial things, and we too often forget<br />

about our soul. In a world where pop culture (and often subculture) has<br />

dominated higher culture. The pandemic made us see this shallowness<br />

and insignificance of the rat race. We stand stunned because someone<br />

has taken away the treadmill on which we were racing, trotting in place.<br />

In this strange world, it is Art that allows us to survive. A good film,<br />

or book, an extraordinary painting, or poem. How badly we need it now!<br />

However, here we have another issue of <strong>English</strong> version of Post Scriptum<br />

to give you an artistic break during these difficult times. I am sure you<br />

will find a host of inspiring art gems in here. Trying to maintain a general<br />

artistic character, we present you diverse material, in line with the<br />

principle of “something good for everyone”.<br />

What is Orapism? How many photographic techniques are there to<br />

taking an artistic photo? What is Łozowsko Wielkie? Why a square?<br />

And how can you give a second life to damaged books? We answer<br />

these questions and more in the following pages. Our special guest in<br />

this issue is the great Russian painter – Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya. Her<br />

p a i nti n gs are excepti o n al , an d h er l i fe p roves th at any th i n g i s p o s s i b l e.<br />

I am also fascinated by a very interesting article by prof Izolda Kiec about<br />

the legend of the Warsaw Bohemia of the interwar period – the Polish/<br />

Jewish poet Zuzanna Ginczanka.<br />

And as always – the articles are interspersed with lots of original poetry.<br />

We wish you a wonderful artistic journey through our magazine.<br />

Renata Cygan<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

PS. If any of you would like to support us in any way: send interesting<br />

materials, tell us about an artistic event or an artist, cooperate on<br />

a non-regular or permanent basis – please contact us. You can also<br />

support us financially by paying a small amount to our account:<br />

SORT CODE: 309626 ACC Number: 57418160<br />

IBAN: GB82 LOYD 3096 2657 4181 60<br />

<strong>POST</strong> <strong>SCRIPTUM</strong><br />


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