POST SCRIPTUM English__ Feb 2021

POST SCRIPTUM - Independent MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE & ARTS - English version. POST SCRIPTUM - Niezależne pismo artystyczno-literackie tworzone przez polsko-brytyjski zespół entuzjastów, artystów i dziennikarzy. Zapraszamy do lektury.

POST SCRIPTUM - Independent MAGAZINE OF LITERATURE & ARTS - English version.
POST SCRIPTUM - Niezależne pismo artystyczno-literackie tworzone przez polsko-brytyjski zespół entuzjastów, artystów i dziennikarzy. Zapraszamy do lektury.


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Fotografuje wielkoformatowymi aparatami. innych, w których zajęła 4 pierwsze, 3 drugie<br />

i 3 trzecie miejsca oraz 15 Honorable<br />

Fascynuje ją praca w ciemni i procesy<br />

chemiczne, a w szczególności technika Mention: Tokyo i Moscow International Foto<br />

mokrego The artist kolodionu, takes pictures którą using wybrała large-format jako cameras. Fascinated Awards, by working Fine Art in Photography, a dark room, chemical Black&White processes<br />

medium<br />

and, in particular,<br />

przekazu<br />

the<br />

artystycznego.<br />

wet collodion technique, she has chosen<br />

Spider,<br />

this<br />

Monochrome,<br />

medium of artistic<br />

Neutral<br />

transmission.<br />

Density,<br />

The<br />

Art<br />

photographic<br />

reality is one created by her, associated with the unknown, resulting from the physical and chemical process<br />

of creating the<br />

Rzeczywistość fotograficzna<br />

photograph. Currently,<br />

jest rzeczywistością<br />

She consciously kreowaną and clearly przez refers nią, to połączoną<br />

nature, showing how Ambrotypy much we are prezentowała connected it, how na much wystawach we depend<br />

Cichoszewska<br />

Limited,<br />

is working<br />

Portret<br />

on projects<br />

Prawdziwy.<br />

called Desires and Coexistence.<br />

z niewiadomą on it. Nature irrevocably wynikającą imposes z procesu on us the rhythm of passing, indywidualnych as the consequences w Galerii of seasons, Strefa life Art cycles: the<br />

fizykochcemicznego time of birth, adolescence, powstania love, maturity, zdjęcia. and death. w Żorach oraz Oko we Wrocławiu.<br />

Realizuje obecnie cykle zatytułowane: „Pragnienia”,<br />

took 4 ”Współistnienie”. first places, 3 second W and swojej 3 third twórczości<br />

places as well as między 15 Honorable innymi: Mentions: „Korzenie” Tokyo and w Moscow Centralne Interna-<br />

Oko,<br />

Brała udział w wystawach kolektywnych<br />

Monika Cichoszewska is a winner of the international photo contest DEBUTS 2017 and many others, in which she<br />

świadomie tional Photo i wyraźnie Awards, Fine nawiązuje Art Photography, do natury, Black&White Poznań, Spider, Monochrome, w Muzeum Neutral Fotografii Density, Art Limited, Real<br />

pokazując Portrait. odbiorcy jak silnie jesteśmy<br />

w Bydgoszczy, Festiwal Fotografii Tradycyjnej,<br />

Zabrze, BWA Kielce.<br />

z nią związani, jak bardzo zależymy od niej.<br />

She presented her ambrotypes at individual exhibitions in the “Art Zone Gallery” in Żory and “Eye” in Wroclaw.<br />

Natura nieodwracalnie narzuca nam rytm Jej prace zostały ostatnio wybrane<br />

The artist took part in collective exhibitions, including “Roots” in the “Centralne Oko” in Poznan, the Museum of<br />

przemijania, Photography jako in Bydgoszcz, następstw the Festival pór roku, of Traditional cykli Photography, i prezentowane Zabrze, BWA w Kielce. wystawach Her work „Light was recently Sensitive”<br />

at the Intersection Galeria Art Gallery, Intersection, Gilbert, USA, Gilbert, “Living Image”. USA,<br />

selected<br />

czasu and presented narodzin, at the dojrzewania, exhibitions “Light miłości, Sensitive” życia:<br />

dojrzałości Halide Project i śmierci. Gallery, Philadelphia, USA, 13 JMC Women „ Photographers, Living Image”. Nostrum Galeria Photo Halide Gallery, Project, Barcelona.<br />

Laureatka międzynarodowego konkursu Philadelphia USA, 13 JMC Women Photographers,<br />

Galeria Foto Nostrum, fotograficznego DEBUTS 2017 oraz wielu<br />

Barcelona.<br />

Julka<br />

I remember times when taking photos required skills<br />

and equipment (including darkroom kits). Now anyone<br />

can take a shot, even with the phone, there are<br />

more opportunities for example, with digital editing.<br />

Is photography finished as an art form, or is the<br />

opposite?<br />

Are we really still questioning if photography is art?<br />

My favourite artist and photographer Zdzislaw Beksiński<br />

once wrote in a letter to a friend, another photographer<br />

Jerzy Lewczynski: “photography, as such, cannot be art,<br />

and this lies in its very essence. The whole attempt of<br />

taking an artistic photo is a contradiction and it’s the<br />

biggest nonsense you can imagine. Remember what<br />

I’m going to tell you Jurek because today I’m under<br />

influence of alcohol and in a seer mood. Photography<br />

is not art! Puffery! Shit! Sham! Bye!” You could agree<br />

with this, but sometimes I subjectively feel that some<br />

photos can qualify for the title of art if they engage,<br />

evoke emotions, provided that they do not reflect<br />

reality. Perhaps, thanks to computer manipulation,<br />

photography is now even closer to art. Everyone should<br />

find the answer to this question within themselves.<br />

Dedicated to the forest; Model: Agnieszka Surdej; outdoor PAW<br />

What camera and what lenses do you shoot with?<br />

I use XIX century technique and take pictures using glass<br />

plates. I have an old Kodak View Camera large format<br />

cameras 6 1/2” x 8 1/2” (about 16.5 cm x 21.5 cm) and<br />

originating from the GDR: Mentor Panorama 18cmx<br />

24cm, Głobica 18cmx 24cm lenses 250, 300, 360 Tessar<br />

and Graflex camera 4 x 5 “ Aero Ektar lens, 210 Tessar.<br />

I used to take black-and-white photos because in<br />

the past the colour was difficult to achieve (different<br />

magnifiers, different photographic film, different photo<br />

chemicals). And now, when technology allows you to<br />

show colours without any restrictions, photographers<br />

are running away from colour. How did you develop<br />

your passion for black-and-white photography?<br />

Let me explain that ambrotype imposes<br />

monochromatism because the image on the glass forms<br />

a metallic silver, and unexposed parts of a picture are<br />

transparent, meaning they become black. Despite the<br />

fact that these are quite contrasting photos, they are<br />

<strong>POST</strong> <strong>SCRIPTUM</strong><br />


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