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I’ve given you seven personal assertions.

“I Am Willing”

“I Am Wired to Win”

“I Got This”

“I Embrace the Uncertainty”

“I Am Not My Thoughts; I Am What I Do”

“I Am Relentless”

“I Expect Nothing and Accept Everything”

Each of them plays into a theme. You may not immediately see it, but it’s


If you want your life to be different, you have to make it happen. All of the

thinking or meditating or planning or anti-anxiety medication in the world

isn’t going to improve your life if you’re not willing to go out and take action

and make changes. You can’t sit around waiting for the right mood to strike

to for life to play out the way you want it to. Nor can you rely on positive

thinking alone to transform things for the better. You have to go out and do.

One of the ironic things about developing our mind and our mindset is that it

can actually keep us from acting on the things we really need to act on. You

can become a personal development drone. You know tons of cool shit but

it’s made little or no difference to the trajectory of your life.

We think, “As soon as I get rid of my worry or discomfort, I’ll start dating

again”. Or, “When I find the root of my procrastination or when I find

something to motivate me, I’ll be completely unleashed and happy”. The

desire to work on our “procrastination” just leaves us stuck in the cycle of

procrastination/not procrastination and keeps us even further from forwarding

our actual lives.

We’re waiting on that moment or experience when everything in our mind is

just perfect. Our thoughts are clear, our emotions our positive, and our

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